  • 學位論文


A study on Entering Timing and Model:Case Study on Taiwanese Enterprises in Mainland China

指導教授 : 高孔廉


台商自大陸經濟改革後(1978)便前仆後繼的前進大陸,至今赴大陸投資已蔚為風潮;由頂新集團的大陸成功案例,許多報章媒體不斷鼓吹先佔者優勢,進入速度成為進入策略的最重要策略因子。而過去學者的部份研究也應證先佔優勢的存在,認為進入市場的時間是獲得經營績效的最重要因素。然而,以進入模式為進入策略的觀點則認為選擇正確的進入模式才可獲得最佳之經營成果。不過,由於中國大陸的經營環境對於外資投資中國市場是有所限制的,在中國的法令下,有許多受到保護、扶植的產業,外資是不得以獨資方式經營的,甚至股權最高與最低的持有比例都受到要求與限制;但這類的產業往往都是充滿著機會,外資較具有競爭優勢的產業。因此要先佔市場就很可能需放棄進入模式的選擇,若是要等待最佳的進入模式的法令開放,該產業可能已經失去先佔卡位的優勢,伴隨來可能就是無盡的競爭。在同樣都以績效為研究標的之兩種不同觀點進入策略,卻在限制性的市場出現了選擇上的衝突,台商進軍大陸該如何考量的問題在過去的文獻卻是個無解的謎。 此文獻上的缺口成為本研究的探討核心;藉由過去進入時機與進入模式的文獻先尋找出兩個論點的共通要素來提出研究架構,並以個案探討的方式,由七家已在大陸或曾在大陸經營的廠商,找出要素中間的關聯性,並提出命題。 本研究經研究發現以下結論: 一、不同類型的進入障礙會影響進入時機、進入模式的選擇。 二、不同時機進入的廠商所遭遇的進入障礙類型有所不同。 三、廠商所擁有的不同類型能力會影響進入時機、進入模式。 四、廠商有其最適的進入時機與進入模式搭配方式。 五、先佔優勢並不是一個放諸四海皆準的理論,要發揮這種優勢有其應有的假設前提。


Since the beginning of economic revolution in Mainland China from 1978, a trend that Taiwan enterprises enter the China market has been formed. It is told that the first movers would get most advantage, as a proof of the successful case of Ting–Hsin Company. Timing becomes the most important factor of market-entering strategy and some scholars’ research also support the result of the first mover advantage which points the market performance would be derived from picking correct time of entry. However, entry mode theory has different point of view, which says nothing would affect market performance but fit entry mode. Foreign companies face some restrictions in managing China market. For instance, by the law of China, foreign companies can not solely invest in emerging industries which they have significant advantages than the domestic firms, and even the proportion of stocks they can hold are also restricted. Therefore, if foreign companies want to have a fitting entry mode, they should wait until the abolition of the law. However, they would not only object to the principle of first mover advantage, but face fierce competition later. Obviously, it has not been shown that when and how to enter China market would be better from past research. The gap of research becomes the main purpose of this dissertation. The research framework was formed by taking the common factors of entry mode and ordering theories, using the method of case study to analyze seven companies which are operating or had ever been operating in China, finding the relation, and claiming the proposition. The results are: 1.Different type of entering barriers will influence the choice of entry mode and ordering. 2.Companies will suffer different kinds of entering barriers in different time of entering. 3.Different kinds of ownership abilities will influence the entering ordering and model. 4.Enterprises have their optimal strategic fit in entering model and ordering. 5.First mover advantage is not a law of business. It has its own limit.


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