  • 學位論文


The Relatimships among Space mage , Consumption Preference and Loyalty of the Sightseeing Hotel’s Customers :An Example of Hualien Marshal Hotel

指導教授 : 莊修田


摘 要 我國政府實施週休二日以來,社會大眾利用休假日從事休旅活動,加上近年來政府單位及花東地方政府積極規劃,花蓮地區的旅遊路線成了熱門風潮,當地旅館業者一致看好週休二日所帶來的國民旅遊商機,民間企業相繼投入大量資金建設旅館的各項設施,以求達到招攬顧客前往,並增加停留住宿時間。 本研究以觀光旅館空間設計與規劃為研究範圍來探討,以探究觀光旅館的空間印象與消費者忠誠度之關聯為何?並嘗試從消費者的角度整合空間印象的認知及消費偏好,以了解消費者對觀光旅館之忠誠度;以花蓮市統帥飯店為問卷調查對象,採用實地發放問卷並指導填寫問卷的方法收集資料,再對收回的303份有效問卷經由SPSS之統計分析,以空間量表經主成分分析以最大變異數法進行直交轉軸萃取因素,並以強迫抽取6個因子個數,依其內涵個別與以命名,結果發現:空間印象的「門面外觀設計」、「大廳空間效果」、「公共區氣氛塑造」、「客房整體效果」、「餐廳設計風格」、「休閒區空間機能等」等6個因素當中,受測者最滿意的是「大廳空間效果」,空間印象各因素與忠誠度之間大部份呈顯著正相關,不同的消費偏好選擇,其空間印象、忠誠度有顯著差異;個人屬性及消費選擇與忠誠度之間有顯著相關;消費者對統帥飯店忠誠度的預測在空間印象因素中「客房整體效果」與「餐廳設計風格」、「門面外觀設計」,可預測忠誠度為42.7%的變異量(約佔預測量的93%),此結果反映了空間因素對於消費者忠誠度具有相當高程度的影響力。 將各學者在觀光旅館的相關文獻中的:旅館設址、旅館企業形象、旅館消費價格、旅館服務、旅館設備等五個構面,並以統帥飯店的研究結果與之探討並推論到相關旅館上,期望能提供經營者及設計業界來擬定未來的空間規劃設計之參考。


Abstract The implementation of two-day weekends in Taiwan has fostered domestic traveling. Coupled with central and Huatong local governments’ progressive attitudes of planning, Hualien has become a popular travel destination. The abundance of business opportunities thus engendered has drawn influx of investment from the private sector in building hotels and recreational facilities, hoping to entice customers and prolonging their stays. The study addresses the issue of hotel space design and planning, examines the correlation between consumer hotel space perception and consumer loyalty, and ventures to understand consumer loyalty in relation to hotel space perception and consumption preference. Using Marshal Hotel in Hualien as the subject, questionnaire was served on site with instruction. A total of 303 valid questionnaire copies were culled and subjected to SPSS statistical analysis. The space measurement was analyzed by principal component analysis, which deduced factors via major variable to forcibly extracted six factors, which were named individually according to nature. The results discovered that: among six factors of “entrance appearance design”, “lobby space effect”, “public area ambiance”, “guestroom effect”, “restaurant design style”, and “recreational space function”, the subjects were most satisfied with “lobby space effect”. Most space perception factors presented positive relation to loyalty. Different consumption preference, however, showed significant variance in terms of space perception and loyalty. The correlations between personal nature and consumption choice and loyalty were found prominent. The predicable consumer loyalty for Marshal Hotel space factors yielded 42.7% variance (accounting for 93% of the estimate) for “guestroom effect”, “restaurant design style”, and “entrance appearance design”. The result reflected considerable influence of space factors on consumer loyalty. Five constructs built from review of relevant literature-- hotel location, hotel corporate image, hotel consumption pricing, hotel service, and hotel facilities, are further incorporated with findings of this study of Marshal Hotel order to apply onto related hotels to the end of contributing to future space planning and design by the hotel and design industries.


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