  • 學位論文


Synthesis of Polyaniline -Clay Nanocomposites and its electrical Properties investigation

指導教授 : 王宏文


本研究主要是用純苯胺單體聚合(in-situ)以及層間插入法將有機化黏土均勻分散在聚苯胺中,然後使用不同濃度的氨水鹼化,比較純的聚苯胺和添加1%黏土的聚苯胺奈米複合材料的介電行為。首先,我們將苯胺單體與過硫酸胺(Ammonium Peroxodisulfate)聚合反應,以及將黏土親油化過之後,再利用了苯胺單體及改質後的黏土合成為高分子奈米複合材料,最主要是將未添加奈米黏土純的聚苯胺與添加親油化過的黏土反應後再與苯胺單體利用自由基聚合及氧化聚合反應,將反應後的聚苯胺研磨成粉末使用1M 、3M 、5M、 及10M濃度之氨水鹼化後乾燥,取0.2克粉末溶於NMP溶劑中來製備出我們的高分子膜和高分子-黏土奈米複合材料。使用FT-IR、XRD與TEM來進行鑑定。而後進一步將材料製成自由立膜,再使用TGA來評估其熱性質,最後利用LCR Meter來測量其介電的特性及電阻率。 介電特性包含:介電常數與介電損失,利用不同的鹼化程度製備高分子自由立膜及添加改質後的黏土聚合之複合基材的探討其電性,熱性質等材料之介電特性表現,發現了: (1) 導電高分子聚苯胺在加入了黏土之後,其介電常數增加了,推測是因為奈米分散的黏土造成額外的空間電荷極化所致(space-charge polarization)。 (2) 聚苯胺鹼化程度越高,介電常數增加,而介電損失降低。


聚苯胺 介電特性


The dielectric behaviors of the polyaniline/clay nanocomposites were studied. In-situ polymerization of aniline and intercalation into organ-montmorillonite was employed. Different concentration of ammonia was used to alkalize materials in order to modify their properties. Clay is first modified to be organophilic. Aniline monomer is polymerized with ammonium peroxodisulfate. Aniline polymer is then synthesized with organophilic clay to form polyaniline/clay nanocomposites through free-radical-polymerized and oxidated-polymerized methods. Polyaniline is abrasived into powder and alkalized with 1M, 3M, 5M and 10M concentration ammonia. 0.2g powder are put it into NMP resolution to form the polyaniline/clay nanocomposites. FT-IR XRD and TEM are used to characterize the nanocomposites. We make free film of this material and use TGA to evaluate its thermal characteristics and then use LCR meter to measure the dielectric and ohmic characteristics. Dielectric characteristics include dielectric constant and dielectric loss. We find two things : 1. The dielectric constant of the polyaniline will increase after adding clay. This might be caused by the clay. They cause space-charge polarization. 2. The dielectric constant of the polyaniline will increase when we increase the resolution of the ammonia.


polyaniline dielectric properity


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