  • 學位論文


A Case Study of the Impact of ERP Implementation on Performance of Business Process

指導教授 : 劉士豪


隨著資訊科技的快速發展與全球化競爭激烈,使企業面臨組織重組與作業流程的改變,企業要如何實施流程再造與導入ERP系統,來提升整體企業的效益為本研究之主要動機。而本論文的研究目的: 一、探討ERP模組導入對作業流程改造進行差異比較、衍生的問題與改善對策。 二、提供企業資源規劃系統導入後對企業流程效益之影響。 本研究以個案研究方法、訪問了相關高階主管及專案負責人,針對國內導入ERP系統的半導體製造業,藉由訪談個案公司分析物料/成本模組以委外加工、出貨/收貨、物料盤點流程、生產製造流程、採購及儲運流程、銷貨收款流程等六大作業流程改善的效益,而經由個案公司ERP導入對企業流程效益的探討得知: 一、可提供生產回報資料降低庫存成本。 二、提高生產機台測試成本資訊的正確性。 三、因作業流程簡化,節省委外加工管銷費用。 四、提供正確之委工成本相關資訊,可快速回應客戶交期達交。 五、與MES生產系統整合,降低模組複雜度及風險。 若缺乏一個整體性的了解,將是會是ERP流程改造效益不彰的主要原因,企業仍應在ERP改造時小心謹慎,作適當的自我企業檢視,希望提供企業實務經驗,協助管理者在面對ERP流程作業改造效益之參考。


Along with the information technology fast development and the globalization competition,Enterprise faced with organization reorganization and operation process change, How does the enterprise implement the process to make again with inducts the ERP system, to enhance the performance of the overall enterprise for this research the main motive. The objectives of the study are: 一、To find Implement the module of ERP make the difference to compare to the business process reformation,derivative problem and improvement the solver way. 二、To provide ERP implement into the influence of the enterprise process performance. This research is with the case study method ,visited the related top management and project the representative director,aim at the semi-conductor manufacturing industry that the process ducts into the system of ERP,through by the interview individual cases company analysis ERP-material / ERP-cost module as well as produce process that the process is related to work flow processes by the Subcontract Management Control process,the deliver /Receives goods process,the material stocktaking process,the production manufacture process,the purchase/transport process,the selling to accept the payment process and so on six business operation processes,and duct into the study to ERP implement on Performance of Business Process ,and the analysis result: 一、To provide to produce to requite the data to decline the low inventory cost. 二、To raise produces an accuracy that machine test cost information. 三、To simplify the operation process ,saving the outsourcing to process the market to sell the expenses. 四、To provide the related information in subcontract work cost of the exactitude,can the fast response customer hand over to expect to attain to deliver goods. 五、To integrat with MES system ,reduce the module complicacy and risks. If lack of a overall understanding,will is to be a not easily seen main reason in ERP process reformation benefit,enterprise should still at the ERP reform careful,make the enterprise flow of the adequacy to examine,hope to provide the enterprise actual situation experience,help the manager at face the reference of the ERP process reengineering reformation benefit.


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