  • 學位論文


The Study of Establishing Paratransit System for Long-Distance Transportation Terminals

指導教授 : 廖祐君


摘 要 台灣地區之長途大眾運輸系統,除了現有之國道客運、台鐵客運、航空客運服務外,高鐵亦預計於民國94年通車,加入長途大眾運輸服務之行列。由於長途大眾運輸僅提供「線」的運輸服務,因此旅客需透過轉運服務之銜接,才能形成完整之長途運輸旅次,連結實際之起迄點。但現有公共轉運服務(如公車及計程車),有時間、空間、費率及其它運輸特性上之空缺,無法提供完整之服務,因此本研究探討中介運輸(paratransit)作為長途大眾運輸轉運服務之角色,並嘗試建立其運作系統。中介運輸係為介於私人運輸與大眾運輸間之公共運輸,其具有私人運輸之彈性,同時亦具有大眾運輸之公共服務性質;此外,中介運輸通常能提供需求回應(demand respond)、彈性路徑、彈性時間與及戶(door-to-door)之小眾運輸服務。 本研究首先說明中介運輸在整體運輸系統中之角色定位,並整理國外相關案例,同時探討中介運輸與其他運輸系統及各類活動地點結合之契機,以及台灣現有中介運輸服務之現況。其次就本研究所針對中介運輸提供轉運服務之結合標的--長途大眾運輸--進行特性分析,包括長途大眾運輸之需求趨勢與服務時間、運輸場站之區位、場站設施配置、停車場容量及費率等,此外亦提出長途運輸場站公共轉運服務所面臨之議題。接著釐清現有公共轉運服務之供給與需求現況,以瞭解轉運服務之供給缺口與顧客偏好。最後則是建立中介運輸服務系統之架構,包括管制者、營運者與使用者等層面之操作流程,並提出中介運輸系統營運與服務之績效評估指標。


Abstract The passengers need to use transfer transits to connect long-distance journeys. The transfer services at long-distance terminals are currently provided by taxies, buses and urban rails. Taxi services are normally categorized as demand-responsive and door-to-door accessible, but the fares are expensive. By contrast, the transit services provide high capacities and the fares are cheaper, but time costs are usually higher in terms of the in-vehicle time for buses or walking time for urban rails. As a member of urban public transportation, transfer modes usually provide services with flexible schedules, routes, fares and other transport properties. This study focuses paratrasits as the transfer mode especially with long-distance transportation terminals for major service stops. The operation of paratransits is somewhere between private vehicles and public transits by providing travelers demand-responsive, flexible routes, flexible time and door-to-door services. This study aimed to analyze the role of paratransits, the combination with other transport modes, the potential market, as well as the characteristics of supply and demand sides in transfer demand. Accordingly, an operating service system framework and indicators of effectiveness were established for performance evaluation of paratransits. As a result, the properties of transfer services by paratransits at long-distance transportation terminals were broadly discussed and understood. The study also proposed policy implications and suggestions in hope to finer urban public transportation system by participation of paratransits.


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