  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Parallax and Size changes in Stereoscopic Virtual Reality

指導教授 : 林久翔 呂志維


摘要 許多討論虛擬實境深度判斷的文獻提到,在大距離的深度判斷中距離有被低估的現象,本研究想要探究立體虛擬實境下,虛擬物件視差 (Parallax) 改變時,該物件的虛擬影像大小會產生多少幅度的變化,了解影像尺寸改變是否為造成虛擬環境空間距離判斷遭到壓縮的原因,也能夠得知在雙眼立體視覺時改變的情況作為未來在改變視差時應該注意的事項。 本研究為了探究視差對於物件虛擬影像縮小的影響,我們排除掉其他因子,單純的改變視差等級來做實驗。實驗方法為讓受測者觀看一個實體黑色圓型板,該圓板會從螢 幕往前移動,讓受測者感受到該黑色圓板的面積漸漸變大,直到受測者認為圓板的大小和虛擬影像差不多大小時,就反應並且記錄下數據,再將其數據統一換算成為受測者眼中的視角大小,進行比較即可得到在不同視差底下影像縮小的程度。 實驗結果顯示受測者能夠感受到物件的確會隨著影像浮出而縮小,並且找到了縮小比率 (Y) 與深度比率 (X) 的關係為Y = 0.496 + 0.517X,相關係數為0.844。另外值得一提的是,本研究的實驗結果顯示出了正視差和負視差的情況下,結果是不相同的。正視差時的縮小程度並不會和浮出程度呈線性關係,這很有可能表示在正視差時畫面並沒有那麼大程度的凹入,該現象很有可能就是造成距離壓縮的主因,雖然不知道造成該現象的真正原因為何,但本研究也有針對可能的原因進行討論。


視差 立體視覺 虛擬實境


Abstract Many studies in the depth judgment of large distance in virtual reality found that the distance was often underestimated. This study explored how the image size was affected by parallax change in the three-dimensional virtual reality environment hoping to understand whether the distance underestimation is caused by image size change. In order to explore the effect of parallax on the image size, only the parallax level was varied in the experiment. As the parallax changed, the subject reported the size of the virtual sphere by comparing it with a real black circular plate which was moved backward or forward. When the black circular plate and the virtual sphere are of the same size, the subject would react to stop the plate movement. The location and size of the plate were recorded. With this manipulation, we will be able to know the size that subject perceived at different parallax. The results show that the size of the image was changed with the change of the parallax. The change of image size and the image location in the eye-sphere axis is a linear relationship. In this study, there is another important discovery, that is, the situation in crossed-parallax and uncrossed-parallax is not the same. In the crossed-parallax, the stereo distance and size change is linear, but this did not happen in the uncrossed-parallax. In the uncrossedparallax,the image size change is smaller than the stereo distance change.


Stereoscopic Parallax Virtual Reality


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