  • 學位論文


Production Planning of a Food Processing Manufacturer under the Stochastic Demand Conditions

指導教授 : 陳平舜


本研究探討一生產蕃茄類產品之食品加工製造廠,其工廠面對國內外高度競爭的市場和高需求變動之問題。然而在需求不確定的環境之下,製造者往往無法合理決策生產一個合適的量,因此,本研究之目的在解決如何以本身有限的產能,決定最佳生產產量,以滿足顧客的訂單需求。 本研究方法為利用個案公司歷史資料,找出其產品需求之分佈機率,其次再運用「機率限制規劃法」解決隨機需求的問題,和建立一數學模型去求得一生產排程規劃表。以ILOG軟體求解之研究結果顯示,經由機率限制規劃轉換之隨機需求量,對於公司生產規劃可以提供一較快速且最佳之生產排程規劃表。


This research studies a tomato-food-processing manufacturer as a case study. The case manufacturer faces high competitive international and domestic markets and high demand fluctuation issues. Due to the demand uncertainty, the case manufacturer cannot produce appropriate amounts of products. Therefore, the objective of this research is to determine the optimal production quantity based on production capacity constraints in order to satisfy the customer demand. This research uses the historical data to fit the demand distribution of products. Then, this study adopts the chance constrained programming (CCP) to handle the demand uncertainty and constructs a mathematical model in order to obtain an optimal production planning. This research applies the ILOG software to solve the proposed problem. The results show that using CCP can transform the probabilistic constraint to the deterministic constraint and a faster and optimal production planning can be obtained.


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