  • 學位論文

運用網絡關係效益創造企業品牌: IT品牌領導廠商高階主管觀點

Brand Supported by Networking Benefits

指導教授 : 陳筱琪


企業經營講求效率與效能,故現今企業常見與外部對象合作之活動,即透過網絡關係的建立,以提升企業競爭力與核心優勢,因此,建立網絡關係為目前趨勢策略,企業藉助網絡關係的建立,來達到獲取資源共享,以及相互支援之目的;此外,高科技產品生命週期日漸縮短,產品功能日趨複雜,故高科技行銷策略不同於一般的商業行銷策略,需具備銷售高功能性產品與服務之能力,且著重於技術和資源的有效運用,故本研究欲探討企業透過網絡關係的建立獲取之效益,是否能夠有助於高科行銷策略的制定與執行;近年,企業在行銷策略的執行,不外是追求品牌創造與經營,因此本研究欲進一步探討網絡關係效益,是否能有助於品牌經營之創造與提升。本研究目的有三:(1)探討網絡關係建立的效益與重要性;(2)網絡關係效益,如何影響高科技行銷策略的表現;(3)台灣高科技企業如何運用網絡關係效益來創造與協助品牌經營,達到自有品牌策略。 本研究以台灣2007年十大國際品牌中的IT企業-華碩電腦、宏碁電腦、宏達電子、友訊科技、合勤科技與明基電通之行銷部門與專案部門高階主管為問卷研究對象,採用決策實驗分析法(Decision Making Trial and Evaluation;DEMATEL),以檢驗出網絡關係效益、高科技行銷策略與品牌經營中之準則間相互依存關聯性,再進一步運用網路層級分析法(Analytical Network Process;ANP),瞭解為追求品牌過程中,網絡關係效益、高科技行銷策略與品牌經營中之準則權重值與分析其重要性程度;最後藉由個案研究-Z公司來佐證本研究之結果。 本研究透過文獻整理,得知網絡關係建立的效益主要有共有八項,知識與技術之移轉、獲取成本效益、發展創新能力、獲取互補性資源、進入新市場、市場即時性、獲取市場影響力與規範產業標準;經由研究結果,亦得知網絡關係效益中,以知識與技術之移轉對高科技行銷策略之執行最為重要並有助於專屬品牌資產之發展;此外,藉由網絡關係,獲取交易成本效益與市場影響力之效益,有助於輔助與推動高科技行銷策略中的價格、推廣和通路策略;而網絡關係效益中的知識與技術之移轉、發展創新能力,有助於強化高科行銷策略技術創新、產品創新與經營模式創新,反之,當一企業具有技術創新、產品創新之發展能力時,亦較容易建立網絡關係,獲得網絡關係效益,再強化企業資源,提升品牌經營,故網絡關係效益、高科技行銷策略與品牌經營之創造關係,環環相扣,相輔相成;此外,當企業欲推動品牌經營時,品質策略為一重要要素,因品質則能帶來品牌忠誠度、品牌知名度、知覺品質,與品牌聯想,以創造品牌經營,另外,推動品質過程時,可透過網絡關係效益來彰顯技術創新和產品創新。


Efficacy and effectiveness are major issue in companies operation. For that reason, it is trend that such firms established network relationship by cooperating with other companies to get competition and core competence Additionally, there are short product life cycle and complex function in high-tech product. Therefore, there is difference between high-tech marketing strategy and traditional marketing strategy, which is technology-oriented and unique technological advantage. Thus, the research investigated how networking benefits improve high-tech marketing strategies. In marketing strategy, own brand creation and management is critical activity. Therefore, the research continually analyzed how brand creation supported by networking benefits. There are three research purposes: First, discussed the benefits and significance in network relationship; Second, analyzed the influence of high-tech marketing strategies in networking benefits; Third, discussed how create own brand supported by networking benefits. Taiwanese information technology firms with international brand name are to be taken as research cases, such as ASUS, Acer, HTC, D-Link, ZyXEL and BenQ. This research utilized questionnaires to those firms’ managers in PM department and marketing department. DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation) method is used to make relation model of network benefits and brand. Analytical Network Process (ANP) is taken to test the weight of each criterion for brand creation. With literature review, there are eight networking benefits: knowledge and technology transfer, cost benefits, developing innovation capability, complementary resources, time to market, enter to the new market immediately, influence market demand, and unify the standard. As the results, there is main networking benefit- knowledge and technology transfer to high-tech marketing strategies, further, other propriety brand assets is major founded by this networking benefit. There are other network benefits, cost benefit and influence market demand, assisted developing price, promotion and place strategies. Furthermore, Knowledge and Technology Transfer would strength innovation capability, and technique capability. Finally, there is found quality is chief for brand creation in this research. Quality would be influenced by innovation capability, and technique capability.


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黃致瑋(2011)。品牌聯盟與品牌購併對於消費者品牌評價的影響 -以消費性電子產品為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201100354
