  • 學位論文


The Impact of Add-Ons on Product Evaluations

指導教授 : 廖本哲


現今許多市場中,廠商經常將基礎產品與附加配件分開銷售,以額外販售的方式提供消費者需要的附加功能。本研究以附加配件對消費者產品評估之影響為研究主題,探討廠商在基礎產品之外,額外販售附加配件給消費者可能產生的影響。並且將附加配件具體劃分為線性附加配件與非線性附加配件兩種類型,檢視兩種不同類型的附加配件對於消費者產品評估可能造成的影響,並進一步探討產品資訊與產品涉入程度的干擾效果。本研究結果如下: 一、 廠商在消費者不確定產品價值時,額外販售附加配件對於消費者產品評估有顯著的影響,而線性附加配件對於消費者進行產品評估時有負向的影響,非線性附加配件對於消費者進行產品評估時有正向的影響。 二、 當消費者獲得產品評價資訊時,產品評價資訊對於產品優點和缺點的描述,降低了消費者對於產品價值的不確定。因此,線性附加配件與非線性附加配件對於消費者產品評估之影響被減弱,表示附加配件對於消費者產品評估之影響會受到產品資訊的干擾。 三、 將消費者區分為對產品的涉入程度高與對產品的涉入程度低之後,對於產品涉入程度高的消費者在進行產品評估時,線性附加配件與非線性附加配件對於產品評估的影響均被減弱,而對於產品涉入程度低的消費者在進行產品評估時,仍然會受到附加配件的影響,即線性附加配件對於產品評估有負向影響,非線性附加配件對產品評估有正向影響。表示附加配件對於消費者產品評估之影響會受到產品涉入程度的干擾。   根據上述之結果,本研究站在實務的觀點認為,廠商應該謹慎思考在市場中額外販售附加配件之行為。


Nowadays, in many markets, firms customarily sell a product and provide separate “add-on” at extra cost. This study attempts to provide evidence that add-ons sold to enhance a product can influence the perceived utility of the base good itself. This study argues that consumers draw inferences from the mere availability of add-ons. Specifically, this study proposes that the improvements supplied by add-ons can be classified as either alignable or nonalignable and that they have opposing effects on evaluation. In addition, this study also tries to investigate the role of product information and product involvement. The results are as followed: 1. When consumers uncertain about the value of product, the effects of add-ons on evaluation proved significant, alignable add-on affects evaluation negatively, but consumers judge the product to be more appealing when the firm offers a nonalignable add-on than when no such option exists. 2. When consumers get product review information that reduces consumer uncertainty, which in turn lessens the impact of add-ons. The effects of alignable and nonalignable add-ons on evaluation weaken as consumer uncertainty about the value of the product diminishes. 3. We take product involvement as a moderator, this study indicates that different level of product involvement will affect the product evaluation, the effects of add-ons on consumer product evaluation weaken in the high level of product involvement, but the effects of add-ons on consumer product evaluation still exists in the low level of product involvement. From a practical standpoint, these results highlight the need for firms to be mindful of the behavioral implications of making add-ons readily available in the marketplace.


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