  • 學位論文


The Development of Change Management System for Interorganizational Workflow

指導教授 : 項衛中


企業間常會依照商業的需求,共同從事商業活動,此時將對彼此的工作流程做整合,形成跨企業工作流程來進行合作,由於跨企業工作流程涵蓋的規模及層面相當廣泛,所以常因外在環境、法令或合約的變更,必須做適當的調整,如流程的置換、加入、刪除等。因此企業需有適當的資訊系統,能建構並執行跨企業工作流程,且當有發生跨企業工作流程的變更時,也能在執行狀態中有效率地做到動態調整,企業若無法因應這些需求,將容易失去競爭優勢,而被其他供應鏈上的企業所取代。本研究目的是提出跨企業工作流程變更之管理系統的建構概念,來做為企業在設計系統時的參考。 本研究在設計跨企業工作流程變更之管理系統時,是以美國工作流程管理聯盟所提的工作流程管理系統之參考模型作為基礎,且為滿足企業對商業資料安全性的重視,將流程分成私有與公共兩類來思考,並在此參考模型中加入版本控管與變更記錄的概念,以輔助動態變更的需求。本研究用動態網頁與軟體代理人技術,以三層式架構建構此跨企業工作流程變更之管理系統,系統使用者可透過動態網頁與該系統做互動,進行跨企業工作流程的定義與管理,而負責執行流程的代理人可對此流程定義進行剖析,並遵循其定義內容以自動化與分散式的方式來執行跨企業工作流程,當流程執行期間發生定義的變更,代理人可藉由版本資料的比對發現,並依變更記錄的內容將執行中的流程做動態調整。本研究透過跨企業工作流程的情境範例,來對所提出的方法進行可行性的驗證,結果顯示此跨企業工作流程變更之管理系統能針對流程的置換、加入及刪除情況,達到動態改變的需求。


Enterprises often perform commercial activities collectively according to business demands; therefore, they need to integrate individual workflows into interorganizational workflows to complete the activities. Due to the frequent changes of the business environment, the interorganizational workflow needs to modify to fulfill these requirements. The information system not only supports the implementation of interorganizational workflows, but also dynamical changes of the running instances (e.g., to insert, delete, or modify activity) while any requirements take place in the interorganizational workflows. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop the adequate change management system for interorganizational workflow. In this paper the development of the change management system for interorganizational workflows is based on the reference model from Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC). This study introduces the concept of version control and modification records into the reference model for supporting dynamical changes of workflows. This change management system is built in a three-tier architecture with dynamic web pages and software agent technology. Users define and manage the interorganizational workflows with the dynamic web pages, and agents are used to interpret the workflow definition and to automatically implement it as a distributed system. If there are modifications in the workflow during the run-time, agents will be aware of the situation by checking the version numbers, thus they can adjust running instances according to the modification records. With several collaborative scenarios, this change management system can successfully handle the insertion, deletion, and replacement of activities in an interorganizational workflow.


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