  • 學位論文


Studies on Innovation Context,Methods and Value Creation- Examples from Campus works

指導教授 : 蔡文鈞


創新是改變的開始!它有可能為我們的生活環境帶來便利與進步,但是這些創新是如何被觸發的?本研究即以此為出發點,透過以個案蒐集的方式,了解創新的來源、它所產生的產品價值為何?而關於「創新」的文獻,許多是由產品、服務、行銷等方面進行創新歷程中的創新方法探討,但本研究在歸納創新來源相關文獻時,發現研究者已整理相關的創新方法,但對於創新歷程前端的活動,相關文獻資料較少,為了解創新來源涵蓋哪些層面、創新來源與創新方法的關聯,以及何種需求下可以運用的創新方法,經以校園創新發明作品的實際案例分析,本研究發現: 1.創新發明作品的創新背景主要源自以下類型: (1)、環境變化所產生的現象或趨勢 (2)、發明家本身的使用經驗或需求 (3)、發明家對第三者的使用經驗或需求 2.創新發明作品的創新方法,因創新源自以發明家本身或他人使用經驗或需求,所以創新方法高度集中在預先防範原理及預先行動原理。 3.創新發明作品的產品價值,因創新方法採用預先防範及預先行動原則,因此讓產品價值充份呈現在效率、保障及安全方面的效益高。 本研究藉由對創新背景的線索及規律所進行的分析,希望可以提供需求觀察與創新方法的指引。


Innovations are the beginning of changes. They could facilitate our living environment to be more convenient and progressive. How are these innovations initiated? Taking this as the starting point, the study gets to know origins of innovations and the product value generated by them in virtue of the collection of cases. As to literatures about “innovations”, most of them discussed innovative approaches in the course of innovation from aspects like products, services, marketing and others. However, when concluding pertinent literature of innovation sources, the study found that researchers had cleared up related innovation methods. Nevertheless, there are few literatures related to activities on the front end of the course of innovation. In order to understand which levels innovation sources cover, the relevance between innovation sources and innovative approaches, and innovative approaches available for different demands, the study, via the practical case analysis of campus innovative inventions, found that: 1. The innovation backgrounds of innovative inventions mainly originated from the following types: (1) phenomena or trends caused by environmental changes;(2) service experience and demands of inventors themselves; and(3) service experience and demands of inventors for the third parties. 2. Innovative approaches of innovative inventions highly centralized on the precautionary principle and the principle of early actions, for the reason that innovations stem from service experiences or demands of investors themselves or others. 3. Due to the precautionary principle and the principle of early actions adopted by innovative approaches, the product values of innovative inventions are fully presented with high benefits on aspects such as efficiency, safeguard and security. In virtue of analyses on clues and rules of innovation backgrounds, the study expects to offer guidance for requirement observance and innovative approaches.


6.Schumpeter J. (1934), “The theory of economic development: An inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest, and business cycle,” Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
7.Drucker, P.F. (1985), Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles, London: Heinemann.
