  • 學位論文


Optrmal Design By Gentic Algorithm Applied To The Disk-Type Of Generator

指導教授 : 范憶華


本文針對垂直式小型風力發電機組搭配的盤式發電機系統進行研究。小型風力發電機設備成本低,無污染、能耗低,安裝使用及維持十分簡便,特別適合用於解決無法架設電線的偏遠地區。但由於每一款發電機之效率與其設計形式及轉速均有所不同,為了使垂直式風力發電機能夠更有效率的進行發電,依據配合廠商現有之垂直式小型風力發電機組開發適當之盤式發電機及匹配之電力轉換系統有其必要性,因此擬針對配合廠商所提供之垂直式風力發電機用盤式發電機系統進行最佳化設計與重製之工作,來進一步提昇風力發電機之效率。 本文主要工作為盤式發電機最佳化設計,透過測試廠商提供之垂直式小型風力發電機轉速、扭力與風速之關係來建立風機之基本參數及目前發電效率,接著利用基因演算法等最佳化分析方法搭配電腦軟體及實驗測試來進行盤式發電機之結構最佳化設計,以獲得最佳效率之盤式發電機系統。


The current proposal aims to improve the performance of the disk generator systems of the small vertical wind generator sets. There are several advantages of the small vertical wind generator sets: low equipment cost, without pollution, lesser power consumption, and there are easily to set up and maintain. Thus the small vertical wind generator sets are suitably to use in the remote districts where cannot setup the AC electric power system. The efficiency of each generator is dependent on the design and rotating speed, thus, to promote efficiency of the vertical wind generator to design the generator for different wind generator is necessary. Therefore, we try to optimize the disk generator systems and re-manufacture for the small vertical wind generator sets supported by the cooperative factory in this project. The major work is to optimize the disk generator systems in this project. First, we will test the relationship of the wind speed, magnitude of torque and the generator efficiency of the original vertical wind generator supported by the cooperative factory. Then, we try to use the GA method to optimize the disk generator systems and manufacture a new disk generator.


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