  • 學位論文


The Study of Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Taiwan Homestay Operation


近年來,隨著國民所得增加、生活水準提高、傳統價值觀改變、交通運輸便捷、休閒時間增加,國人對於休閒遊憩之需求日益增加,觀光休憩活動已逐漸成為現代人生活之一部份。我國民宿於「休閒農業」暨「生態旅遊」等時代洪流推波助瀾下迅速成長,從 2006 年 01 月至 2012 年 11 月截止,合法民宿從 1,237 家增加至 3,659 家,共成長 2,422 間,成長幅度相當驚人。由此可知,民宿的快速蓬勃發展,實為一值得探討之議題。   本研究所使用之研究方法為:首先透過網路程序分析法 (Analytic Network Process, ANP) 以獲取構面/準則之權重,進而得知關鍵構面/關鍵準則。再者,透過模糊理論 (Fuzzy Theory) 以獲取綜合績效值,進而得知民宿之整體表現。另一方面,研究目的為:(1) 透過學者專家、實務經營者與消費者之觀點,建構衡量民宿之評估架構;(2) 分析民宿經營者與民宿消費者所重視之關鍵因素,並比較其差異,進而得知其認知落差;(3) 探討民宿消費者對於所入住之民宿之準則滿意度與整體滿意度,進而使民宿經營者可作為未來於經營上之改善依據;(4) 研究結果主要係提供予民宿經營者作為未來之改善(如服務品質)參考依據,同時,亦可作為政府未來再修訂民宿評鑑(估)指標時之參考依據(如可加入民宿之核心價值)。此外,研究範圍為「苗栗縣」、「南投縣」、「屏東縣」與「花蓮縣」等四縣市之二十三家民宿,且每家民宿之消費者則為研究對象。研究結果顯示:   一、關鍵構面:整體而言,民宿經營者與民宿消費者皆重視「民宿經營與管理」、「服務品質」與「建築環境與特色」,較不重視「民宿設施」與「民宿精神與社區共榮」。   二、關鍵準則與準則滿意度:整體而言,民宿經營者與民宿消費者之看法大致上係一致的,皆重視「充分利用自然通風」、「充足的自然採光」、「服務態度(如接待服務、以同理心對待顧客)」、「接駁服務(如提供免費的車站與民宿之往返接送)」、「餐飲之服務與品質(如民宿主人會親自準備多樣化的早餐、食材新鮮)」、「客房乾淨程度」、「客房舒適程度」、「客房隱私性」與「安全性(顧客平安保險、客房安全)」,同時,兩者之差異在於「經營者」亦重視「民宿經營特色(如原住民文化)」,而「消費者」亦重視「整體環境清潔衛生程度」。另一方面,消費者亦認為經營者於此些關鍵準則大都表現優異。   三、住宿滿意度:以「地區別」與「價格別」來說,整體而言,消費者皆對所居住之民宿係感到「滿意」。其中,於「價格別」中,以「非常滿意」而言,係以低價民宿居多,但若以「稍微不滿意」而言,則係以高價民宿居多。


For the past few years, due to increasing of income and living standard, traditional values change, convenient transportation, and more leisure time, the compatriots can do more and more leisure and recreation activities which have become a part of their life gradually. Because of the leisure agriculture and the ecology traveling, homestays in Taiwan develop rapidly. From January 2006 to November 2012, the number of legal homestays increases 2,422 totally (from 1,237 to 3,659). To summarize, “Homestay” is a worth discussing industry and issue.   The methodologies in this study are analytic network process (ANP) and fuzzy theory. First, take ANP to get the weight of aspects and criteria, and analyze the key aspects and the key criteria. Then, take fuzzy theory to get the synthetic performance value of each homestay, and analyze their overall performances. On the other hand, the purposes of this study are: (1) Through the viewpoints of scholar, practical proprietor, and consumer to construct the evaluation framework of homestay; (2) Analyze the key factors, and compare the differences between the proprietors and the consumers; (3) Discuss the satisfaction, and the result can be the proprietor’s improvement reference for the future operation/management; (4) The results mainly provide for the proprietors as the improvement reference; in the meanwhile, they also can be the reference when the government re-revise the homestay evaluation index. Furthermore, there are twenty-three homestays located in Miaoli county, Nantou county, Pingtung county, and Hualien county that are the scopes of this study, and the consumers in each homestay are the objects of this study. The results reveal that:   1. Key aspect. Overall, the proprietors and the consumers place importance on Homestay operation and management, Service quality, and Surroundings of the building and features. Relatively, they do not give weight to Homestay facilities and Homestay geist and community co-prosperity.   2. Key criteria and criteria satisfaction. Overall, the standpoints of the proprietors and the consumers are approximately identical. They pay much attention to To utilize natural ventilation sufficiently, To utilize plenty natural light, Service attitude (ex. reception service, to treat lodgers with voice of the customers), Pick-up service (offering free pick-up service), Catering service and quality (ex. the hosts prepare diversified breakfast in person, freshness of ingredients), Room tidiness, Room coziness, Room privacy, and Safety (ex. lodger insurance and room safety). At the same time, the proprietors also value Homestay features (ex. aboriginal culture), and the consumers also think highly of Overall tidiness and hygiene.   3. Lodging satisfaction. Overall, through the locality and the price, the consumers are satisfied with the homestay they live. Moreover, for very satisfied, the low price homestays are more, but for a little satisfied, the high price homestays are more.




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