  • 學位論文


A study on the cultural forms of the post-war Keelung commissioned store(1970s)

指導教授 : 蔣雅君


委託行,曾為台灣戰後30年間重要的消費空間類型,為他人將舶來品委託於店內寄賣,或是客人委託店家出國尋找舶來品,它不但成為異國消費商品展銷的重要場域,同時也在流通過程中轉介予消費者西方流行事物之文化想像,可說是一個嫁接在地與現代化生活想像的重要中介空間,此空間所提供的商品故事與夢幻櫥窗所建構的,其實是一種「移植的現代性」,不止於此,委託行更是盛裝動盪年代的共同記憶與文化融合的場所,而剝解此消費空間類型如何在歷史脈絡中被逐步建構,將有助於理解戰後消費空間形成的時空樣貌。 戰後,物資缺乏的年代,官方實施戒嚴有意識的控制物資進口,進口商品在市場上供不足需的情況下,委託行為求集貨方便與港口運輸體系綁在一起,形成一種無法脫鉤的鏈結關係,委託行就此誕生於基隆。本研究將在集貨與港口運輸的鏈結關係上進行委託行空間分布發展之研究,即探討各時期因政經關係的不同,商家如何透過船員與美軍等各式走私突破戒嚴網絡找尋進口商品的機會,影響委託行的分佈,展現地方的生命力。 除此之外,委託行透過現代性櫥窗直白的陳列舶來品,以聊天的方式建立主顧客的情誼、對商品的認同、對自己的認同。筆者透過測繪、訪談將委託行的空間特色整合出其空間形式,並反應空間中之社會活動的文化意涵。其中陳列時尚的樣板:老闆娘,創造戰後摩登文化的空間表徵,成為主導商品認同的舵手,使委託行成為建構認同的製造工廠,間接展現了基隆的港口海洋文化。


Commissioned store, worked in Taiwan 30 years after the war, the important consumer spatial form. The customers consignment of exotic in the commissioned store or The customers commissioned store to find exotic abroad. It's not only important field of exotic consumer goods exhibition. Also in the process of circulation interim referral to the consumers of Western culturul imaginary of the popular things, Can be said to be an important intermediary space grafting in local and modern life imagination. This space are provided commodity story and dream windows constructed. In fact, the space is kind of “a transplanted Modernity“. More than that, commissioned store is dressed the age of turbulence of the common memory and cultural integration of the places. How the consumer spatial form stripping solution is gradually constructed in the historical context? Space-time appearance will help to understand the formation of the post-war consumer spatial. After the war, the age of the lack of supplies, Government to impose martial law conscious control materials imported. In the case of insufficient supply needs of imported goods on the market, commissioned store f or the sake of a convenient set of exotic and tied port transportation system together. The formation of a decoupling the link relations. Commissioned store was born in Keelung.The research will be carried out on the relationship of this link commissioned store's space development. That explore various periods due to different political and economic relations. That explore various periods due to different political and economic relations. Businesses how to break through the crew with the U.S. military and other kinds of smuggling martial law network to look for opportunities into the imported goods, to influence the distribution of the commissioned store, to show the vitality of the local. In addition to ,commissioned store through modernity windows display exotic straightforward. Establish the main customer of friendship, acceptance of goods, own identity to chat. I will commissioned store the space features integrated its spatial form, through surveying and mapping, interviews. And reaction space of social activities and cultural implications. Among, fashion model on display: proprietress, create a spatial representation of postwar modern culture, become the dominant commodity identity helmsman, Commissioned store manufacturing plant be constructed identity, to indirectly show Keelung port marine culture.


黃金麟、汪宏倫、黃崇憲主編 ;黃金麟等著,2010,《帝國邊緣:台灣現代性的考察》(臺北:群學)
