  • 學位論文


An investigation of design parameters on Spiral Micro-Channels by using Fibonacci series and Taguchi Method

指導教授 : 許政行


高功率的小型電子元件與電系統的開發,其熱耗散需要搭配微型且快速散熱裝置以提升元件或系統之熱傳。在實務上,工程師要優先努力於散熱之設計,以符合消費者對散熱裝置效能之要求。將費瑪數列應用到散熱裝置的工程設計,能發展出較小型、快速響應及具有更佳散熱效能的裝置。因此本文探討費瑪螺旋微流道熱沉,以預測經優化設計之熱沉模型性能參數:微流道內流體流場、熱沉之熱阻、通過熱沉之最小化壓力降及流道出口之流速。本研究運用計算流體力學軟體(ANSYS Fluent 14)與田口法(Taguchi method)模擬費瑪螺旋微流道熱沉以優化相關設計參數,並使用統計軟體(Minitab 17)分析模擬的數據。結果顯示優化設計之費瑪螺旋微流道熱沉的性能參數:熱沉熱阻、壓力降及出口流速分別達到0.715K/W、15.53kPa及1.913m/s。


The development of compact electronic components and electric systems with higher power dissipation requires smaller and faster processing cooling devices to enhance heat transfer of the components or systems. Also, in a real-world application, it has become a priority for engineers to work diligently to adapt to customer demands. The Fibonacci sequence, when applied into engineering design of the cooling devices, can develop a smaller and faster processing device with better heat transfer performance. A study on a Fibonacci spiral microchannel heat sink was carried out in the present work to predict fluid flow, thermal resistance, minimize pressure drop and outlet velocity of the model. The Computational Fluid Dynamics software (ANSYS Fluent 14) and Taguchi method were used to simulate and optimize the parameters of the Fibonacci spiral microchannel heat sinks. Also, the Minitab 17 software was also used to analyze the simulated data. The result shows that the optimal design parameters, i.e., the overall thermal resistance, pressure drop and outlet velocity (with the values 0.715K/W, 15.53kPa and 1.913m/s respectively) achieved for the design of the Fibonacci spiral micro-channel heat sink


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