  • 學位論文


Exploring the Causes of Turnover Rate in High-Tech Industry:A Case Study of Domestic Optical Company in Taiwan

指導教授 : 丁姵元


本研究中的個案公司是國內知名集團,看好光電材料前景,將旗下公司轉投資成立的光電材料公司。因應光電產業差異化產品層出不窮且快速競爭下,為了網羅優秀人才,個案公司嘗試努力在第一線技術人員的來源與素質上精進變革,以提高光電產品的素質及技術優勢,但由於工作職務內容與職稱不符且個人職能成長有限,及組織管理制度不明確下,造成產線技術人員層面上,人力留任面臨莫大挑戰。因此在品質及良率雙重壓力下,如何尋找「薪資」以外的有效留任方法及制度,成為個案公司當下維持生產最重要的課題。 本研究藉由深入訪談的方式及離職因素的蒐集與探討,利用質性研究的方式,客觀的檢視問題的本質及解析現象背後的意義,以了解高科技指標企業為何具有充分資源卻留不住人的真正原因,並提供相關高科技產業改善離職率的制度建議。 根據受訪者的資料分析結果發現,受訪者對於造成離職率的三個主要看法,一是「組織」管理問題造成離職率的癥結、二是員工「期望」的落差、三是外部「環境」的影響。員工受困管理制度的不明確及不公平,且無法經由工作學習獲得額外的職能,加上對工作期望的落差,同時激勵不足、溝通不良而無法對公司產生認同感和向心力,在生理及心理均無法獲得滿意的情況下,長期累積的工作低滿意度,因為外部環境的吸引且身心俱疲下而萌發離職念頭。因此工作「滿意度」對於員工的重要性,絕對不亞於金錢,也許員工一開始選擇進入公司的要因是薪資,但讓員工選擇的離職主因是制度健全性及工作期望值,公司若能針對這些需求設計相對的激勵措施及滿意措施,應可以達成留人的關鍵要因。


離職 制度滿意度 工作期望 激勵


The case of this research is renowned conglomerate which sees the bright future in opto-electronic materials and invests in an optical materials company. In order to recruit excellent talents in facing fierce competition of fast changing industry differentiation, the company works hard to improve the quality of first line technician to uplift the quality of its products and technical advantage. However, the job description differing from actual work content, limits on job development, and uncertainty in organization management system that cause a big challenge in job retention in production line technician. Under the pressures of quality and defect-free rate, how to find effective retention methods besides salary has become the most important issue facing the company. This research uses deep interview method to explore the factors in turnover which is a qualitative research method to examine the essence and its underlining meanings of the problem objectively. After finding true reasons why a model high-tech enterprise cannot retain its employees, the research tries to offer suggestions for related high-tech industries to solve the problem. Based on the information analysis gathered during interviews, interviewees view the turnover rate in three ways:first, organization management system is the key in turnover rate; second, the gap of employee expectation; third, the influence of external environment. Employees are struggled by the uncertain and unfair management system, cannot learn extra job skills, expect gap toward job, plus face insufficient incentive and worse communication, and cannot create inward identity toward the company. After a long-term low job satisfaction rate with both physical and physiological dissatisfaction, employees would arouse turnover as a result of external incentives. Consequently, the importance of job satisfaction is no less than money. Maybe the salary is major consideration when they first enter the company, however, the main causes of turnover are system wellness and job expectation. If the company could design relative incentive and satisfaction measures which meet their demands, then the company might find keys in retaining employees.


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