  • 學位論文


Municipal Wastewater Treatment and River Water Quality Management in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王玉純


本研究分析2009至2016年全臺灣65座污水處理廠之營運資料及處理單元資料以及356座河川監測站數據,以了解污水處理廠及河川水質現況,亦探討污水處理廠營運參數與單元以及氣象參數對於污水廠放流水及河川水質影響評估。 本研究蒐集2009至2016年污水處理廠每月平均水質參數監測數據 (包含進流水與放流水大腸桿菌群、化學需氧量、水溫、生化需氧量、污水量、氨氮、硝酸鹽氮、酸鹼值、總氮、總磷、懸浮固體) ;河川每月平均水質參數監測數據 (參數包含大腸桿菌群、化學需氧量、水溫、生化需氧量、亞硝酸鹽氮、河川污染指數氣溫、氨氮、氯鹽、硝酸鹽氮、溶氧.電極法、溶氧.滴定法、溶氧飽和度、酸鹼值、導電度、濁度、總有機碳、總凱氏氮、總氮、總磷、懸浮固體、六價鉻、汞、砷、硒、鉛、鉻、銀、銅、鋅、錳、鎘) ;以及中央氣象局局屬測站每日氣象參數進行分析。透過污水處理廠、河川及氣象的基本資料、營運及水質的狀況,進行敘述統計、相關性分析、集群分析與廣義線性模型分析,鑑定放流水及氣象因子對河川水體水質之顯著影響因子。 長時間之監測數據以時間序列的形式呈現,並加以局部加權回歸散點平滑法繪製趨勢,了解過去迄今的參數變化。集群分析將17條河流流域分為4群,第一群水質污染嚴重;第二群河川水質良好;第三群河川中度污染,懸浮固體、導電度偏高;第四群河川中度污染,處於宜蘭地區,導電度為所有群集中最低。44座污水處理場則分為7群,第一群綜合費用高且處理效率低;第二群綜合費用高且平均污水量高於10萬噸;第三群污水量小於5,000頓且氮、磷濃度偏低;第四群BOD、COD、SS去除效能高且氮、磷濃度偏高;第五群污水量小於1,000噸,綜合費用低且水溫大於25˚C;第六群污水量小於10,000噸,氮磷濃度低且水溫小於20˚C;˚C第七群污水量大於10,000噸且污泥產量偏高。建議污水處理廠可經由控制進流水的氨氮、大腸桿菌群、pH值,使營運參數與處理效能達到改善;藉由管理放流水大腸桿菌群、總氮、總磷,可以減緩對於河川的污染。河川管理方面,則可對水質參數導電度、酸鹼值、溶氧、氨氮進行控制,降低河川污染。


都市污水 河川 水質 氣象 管理策略


This study aims to evaluate the effects of weather condition and operation conditions and units of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) on water qualities of effluent discharge and river using the monthly recordings of weather measurements from Central Weather Bureau, water quality data and operation conditions for 65 WWTPs from Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of the Interior, and water quality data of 356 water quality monitoring stations from Environmental Protection Administration from 2009 to 2016 in Taiwan. Information of water quality in WWTPs include E.Coli, chemical oxygen demands (COD) , water temperature, biochemical oxygen demands (BOD) , discharge volume, nitrogen-ammonia (NH3-N) , nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) , pH, total nitrogen (TN) , total phosphorus (TP) , and suspended solid (SS) . Information of water quality in discharge river/stream include E.Coli, COD, water temperature, BOD, nitrate nitrogen (NO2) , river pollution index (RPI) , air temperature, NH3-N, Chloride, NO3-N, dissolved oxygen (DO) , dissolved oxygen saturation, pH, electrical conductivity (EC) , turbidity, total organic carbon (TOC) , total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) , TN, TP, SS, chromium6+ (Cr6+) , mercury (Mg) , Arsenic (As) , selenium (Se) , lead (Pb) , chromium (Cr) , silver (Ag) , copper (Cu) , zinc (Zn) , manganese (Mn) , cadmium (Cd) . Statistical analyses include descriptive statics, correlation analysis, cluster analysis, and generalized linear model. Cluster analyses divided 17 river systems into 4 groups, including severe polluted rivers, rivers with good water quality, river with moderate water quality (high SS and conductivity) , and river with moderate water quality (lowest conductivity) . In addition, 44 WWTPs were divided into 7 groups, including 1. High cost and low treatment efficiency; 2. High cost and wastewater volume higher than 100,000 CMD/day; 3. Wastewater volume lower than 5,000 CMD/day and low concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus; 4. High removal efficiency of BOD, COD, and SS, and high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus; 5. Low volume (<1,000 CMD/day) and low cost; 6. Low volume (<10,000 CMD/day) and low concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus; and 7. Wastewater volume higher than 10,000 CMD/day and high sludge production. This study suggests that WWTPs operations and treatment efficiency can be improved thought controlling the concentrations of pH, E.Coli, and NH3-N of influent, the river pollution can be reduced by decreasing concentrations of E.Coli, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus of effluent, moreover, river pollution index will decrease with decreasing pH, NH3-N, conductivity, dissolved oxygen.


wastewater river water quality weather management


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