  • 學位論文


Developing a knowledge intensive model for adaptive project teaming

指導教授 : 戚玉樑


企業為解決特定的商業問題,常以建立專案方式因應。由於人員是專案成功的重要關鍵之一,因此與人員組成有關的因素,例如能力、經驗及合作等,都需要納入建構專案的考量。再者,因新專案所需的人力配置,也易引起其他專案在人力調度及重組的問題,因此如何將有限的人力資源,予以適性化是企業重要的課題。本研究收集文獻中組織架構與專案成員管理理論的團隊特徵,將其邏輯關係,利用問題解決分析法,分析其領域特徵,將其特徵進行知識擷取方式轉換成知識庫系統,同時也加入成本概念,進而組合出具品質特徵之團隊,提供專案經理管理團隊運作時之參考。本研究分為三個步驟:(1).將文獻中職能、團隊角色與專案管理理論,篩選出利於團隊績效之特徵,將關聯複雜度高的隱性知識明確化;(2).針對特徵歸納分析後,搭建商業邏輯與分類特徵關係的知識庫架構,發展具檢索擴充功能的系統;(3).利用Protégé為編輯工具,建立包含概念元素、屬性以及描述邏輯的概念模型,使用Java API開發網頁介面,依據本體架構與規則限制進行推論,依模型定義給予事實驗證。結果顯示,本研究之設計可發展具有解析團隊組合認知能力的專家工具,將經理人對團隊成員的需求、感覺、意象轉換為協助專案經理派任人選之決策系統。


In order to solve some specific commercial problems, enterprises usually establish a project to solve these problems. Since manpower is one of the key points to a successful project, some relevant factors should be taken into account as well, for example, ability, experience, team cooperation etc. On the other hand, manpower disposition of a new project may cause problems on personnel dispatch and reassignment. As a result, it is an important issue for enterprises to optimize limited manpower resources. This study first reviewed relevant topics on "organization architecture" and "project member management" in previous researches. Then Problem-Solving Methods is used to analyze the domain personality and transform these characteristics into the KM systems. Cost concept is also taken into consideration to construct a team with quality characteristics for managers’ references. There are three procedures in this study. First, based on Literature review of Function Theory, Team Role Theory, and Project Management, those characters beneficial to team performance are screened to clarify recessive knowledge with high complexity. Next, after performing induction analysis to those characters, we have established a KM framework with business logic and the character-classification relation, which can be used to develop a retrievable and extendable system. Finally, Protégé is used to build the conceptual model, which includes conceptual elements, attributes, and logic. Java API is used to be a web interface to deduct based on main body construction and limitation, and verify the model by its definition. The results of this study can be applied to develop the Decision Making System as an expert tool. It may transform managers’ subjective sensation for qualifications, impressions, and images to a decision system to assist them to assign appropriate staff.


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