  • 學位論文


Integrating Information Technology into Team Teaching to Develop Secondary Science Teacher's Pedagogical Content Knowledge

指導教授 : 張世忠


本研究旨在探討國中自然科教師整合資訊科技融入協同教學以發展其學科教學知識,與學生對於教師學科教學改變的知覺,最後探討資訊科技融入協同教學之實施優勢與限制。本研究採用監控模組教學模式進行研究,於九十六學年度第一學期實施(自九十六年九月至九十七年一月止),針對協同教師所任教班級的三十六名三年級國中學生,實施地球科學的課程。 資料蒐集包含量化和質化資料,質性資料主要藉由錄影收集上課教學活動內容、晤談記錄、學生之科學學習日記、教師省思日誌與協同討論等;量化資料以「學生對教師教學知識的知覺問卷」進行描述性統計及T檢驗等分析。 研究結果顯示,教師初始之學科教學狀況較單一、變化性較小,其中在「學科專業知識」得分最高(M=37.50,SD=4.109),其次是「學生知識與評量」(M=35.72,SD=4.903),第三為「教學表徵」(M=35.11,SD=4.915),而「教學策略」最低(M=32.39,SD=4.364),但是經歷了二次資訊科技融入協同教學改變研究之後,學生對教師的學科教學知識知覺為: (一) 在教學策略方面:學生感受教師能夠運用不同的教學活動提昇其學習興 趣,並且增加模型幫助其理解科學概念以及採用有趣的教學法教授各單元,但是教學活動中較少採用分組教學進行。 (二) 在教學表徵方面:學生感受教師能夠持續使用動畫、示範活動、適當的 圖解和圖表以及熟悉的事件等以解釋科學概念。 (三) 在學科專業知識方面:學生感受教師能夠了解其所提之科學問題與答案,也了解科學與科技之間的關聯性。 (四) 在學生知識與評量方面:學生感受教師能夠評量其對教材單元的了解程 度,而且較少用考試來檢驗其理解程度。 在資訊科技融入協同教學過程中,所實施教學之優勢為: (一) 動畫教學能夠提昇學生學業成就,使學生學習更多知識。 (二) 動畫教學能夠將抽象概念具體化,讓學生對問題更加理解。 (三) 資訊科技融入協同教學使課程更完善,讓學生有更多元的學習機會。 (四) 資訊科技融入協同教學可以讓教學內容更豐富,從相互楷模中學習成長。 (五) 資訊科技融入協同教學讓教師團互動增加以及專長互補。 (六) 資訊科技融入協同能夠提供立即性的指導,使學生能夠於課堂上立即解決問題。 而所面臨的限制為: (一) 資訊環境有待改善。 (二) 備課時間過長。 (三) 教師資訊能力不足。 (四) 教學單元選擇問題。 另外研究中亦發現,資訊科技融入協同教學並非想像中困難: (一) 在教師教學理念不同方面:研究者與協同教師維持著輕鬆合作的氣氛。 (二) 在資訊科技能力不足方面:要求協同教師參與,提昇資訊科技的能力。 (三) 在行政配合問題方面:僅需事先向學校報備,教學上並無困難發生。 (四) 在時間不足問題方面:增加準備課程時間,節省上課時間;善用導師之班級,增加課程安排機會與學生適應便於班級經營,節省維持秩序時間。 (五) 在升學考試壓力方面:學生普遍能夠接受與持正面態度,也認為對其學 業成就有相當大的提昇。


The purposes of this study were to investigate the integration of technology into team teaching on secondary science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge, to assess students’ perception towards the change of teacher’s teaching method , and finally to assess the advantages and limit regarding the implementation of technology integrating into team teaching. The study implemented on 36 9th graders in the researcher’s earth science class from September in 2007 to January in 2008. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used in the study. The qualitative data included: the video taping on teaching activities, the record of the interviews and feedback from students, the reflective journals and discussions between teachers. The collection of the quantitative data included pre and post of “The Students’ Perceptions of Teacher’s Knowledge (SPOTK)”. Data analysis included descriptive statistics and t-tests analysis. The results of this study showed that researcher’s original pedagogical content teaching is unitary, and the highest score was in subject-matter knowledge(M=37.50,SD=4.109), the second high score was in knowledge of how to assess students’ understanding(M=35.72,SD=4.903), the third high score was in representational repertoire(M=35.11,SD=4.915), the lowest score was in instructional repertoire (M=32.39,SD=4.364), the mobility was small, but through the two-time changing of team teaching, the students’ perceptions toward the teacher’s teaching were: 1. In instructional repertoire: The teacher could use different teaching activities to promote students’ studying interest, and used more models to understand science concept, and to use interesting teaching method for different units, but seldom use group teaching in teaching activities. 2. In representational repertoire: The teacher often used the animation and demonstrations, the appropriate illustrations and charts, and related events to explain scientific concept. 3. In subject-matter knowledge: The teacher could understand the questions and answers from students, and know the relationship between science and technology. 4. In knowledge of how to assess students’ understanding: The teacher could estimate students’ understanding for teaching unit, and seldom used the examination to test the students’ degrees of understanding. The advantages of integrating technology into the process of team teaching were listed as followings: 1. Multimedia animation can improve student’s academic achievement, so that students learn more knowledge and. 2. Multimedia animation helps to teach abstract concepts, multimedia animation can be specific to enable students to better understand the problem. 3. The integration of technology into team teaching completes the teaching, and offers students more learning opportunities. 4. Integrating technology into team teaching enriches the teaching content and enables mutual learning and teacher’s professional growth. 5. The integration of technology into team teaching could stimulate teachers group interaction and their specialty complementary. 6. Integration of technology could instruct students efficiently and enable students to solve the problem in the classroom immediately. Four difficulties were found: 1. Information environment to should be improved. 2. Class preparation time is too long 3. A lack of information. 4. Teaching module selection problem. Besides, the study also found that integration of technology into team teaching is not difficult and imagine: 1. In inadequate capacity of technology: The researcher and team teacher maintain a comfortable and cooperative atmosphere. 2. In technology ability not enough aspect: Request the team teacher participation, and promote the ability of technology. 3. In the assistance of administration aspect: It needs to report to school in advance, and has no difficult occurring on the teaching. 4. In the problem of time shortage: Increasing the time of prepare curriculum and saves time; we need to handle the tutor's class to increase the chance of the curriculum arrangement and student's orientation. It is helpful to class management and saves the time to keep order. 5. In entrance examination: Students could accept and keep positive attitude, and thought their academic achievement considerable has .improved.


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