  • 學位論文


The impact of repetitive tasks on human musculoskeletal disorder –A case study of a chemical plant

指導教授 : 趙金榮


本研究主要在探討重複性投料作業對人體肌肉骨骼傷害的影響,利用肌電圖(Electromyography, EMG)及搬運時肌肉部位主觀自覺費力評分(Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale, RPE),進行肌肉骨骼傷病(Work-Reacted Musculoskeletal Disorders, WMSDs)風險的探討。   本研究分為兩個部分,第一個部分係運用MSDs人因工程檢核表、KIM-LHC關鍵指標法人工物料搬運檢核表、及NIOSH1994抬舉公式等,對個案中重複性投料作業進行風險因子評估;第二個部分係運用EMG肌電訊號量測系統及主觀自覺費力評分,將改善前及改善後之訊號最大自主收縮百分率(Maximum Voluntary Contraction) %MVC進行分析、比對。   第一部分經檢核表評分發現,在MSDs人因工程檢核表:甲檢核表分數由12分降為2分、乙檢檢核表由24分降為10分、丙檢核表由10分降為7分;關鍵指標法人工物料搬運檢核表:風險值由原先的24分降為5分,風險等級也由2級降為1級;NIOSH1994抬舉公式:抬舉指標(LI)由8.18大於3降為0.791少於1。   第二部分在EMG肌電訊號部分,共蒐集12位身心健全並無任何肌肉骨骼傷害的男性,利用EMG量測,模擬作業人員進行重複性投料搬運作業組合之主要受力部位(二頭肌、斜方肌、腰部),研究顯示二頭肌部位在各搬運組合時,施力的程度均高於其它搬運組合肌肉受力程度,而在向左及高度30公分搬運組合時二頭肌承受的力量最大,%MVC為58.36%。股直肌在搬運組合向右及高度90公分時所承受的力量最小,%MVC為21.44%。   本研究結果整體而言,在搬運組合向左轉和向左於搬運高度為90公分時,平均%MVC為28.7025%及28.755%差異不大,為最小受力程度組合,故建議為重複性投料搬運作業時的搬運組合,可降低作業人員在進行作業時潛在的肌肉骨骼傷病風險。


This study is exploring the impact of repetitive tasks on human musculoskeletal system. The risks of musculoskeletal disorders are measured by electromyography (EMG), and rating of perceived exertion scale (RPE).   There were two purposes for this study. Firstly, adopting MSDs Ergonomic checklist, key indicator method checklist of labor transporting (KIM-LHC), and 1994 NIOSH recommended weight-lift limit (NIOSH1994), assess of repetitive tasks. Secondly, applying the EMG signal and RPE, using %MVC analysis the signal of before/after.   Firstly, the results of MSDs Ergonomic checklist, the score of Checklist A is from 12 down to 2; the score of Checklist B is from 24 down to 10; the score of Checklist C is from 10 down to 7. The key indicator method checklist of labor transporting, the score of risk is from 24 down to 5, and the level of risk is from 2 to 1. NIOSH1994 lifting formula, the score of lifting index (LI) is from 8.18 to 0.791, a tremendous improvement.   Secondly, applying EMG on 12 healthy men who are stimulating the repetitive tasks, the impact on muscles, such as biceps, oblique side muscle and waist. The data showed that the biceps endure more pressure than other parts of muscle. Also, in the height of 30 cm and move to the leftwards, the biceps endure the most, the score of %MVC is 58.36%. On moving to the rightwards and the height is 90 cm, rectus femoris endure the least, the score of % MVC is 21.44%.   The results of this study showed that moving to leftwards or turning left on the height of 90cm, is the ideal work combination. It is recommended to be adopted to reduce the repetitive risks of musculoskeletal injuries.


repetitive task WMSDs EMG ergomomics checkists


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