  • 學位論文


Research on the impact of different interfaces and environments on personnel operation

指導教授 : 趙金榮


半導體技術的精進大幅提升電腦的運算能力,進而帶動了人工智慧的快速發展,不論是學術界亦或是產業界,人人都想透過人工智慧技術以追求卓越。使系統的行為表現能達到和人的智慧行為表現相同之程度。此一方法不但大幅減少人員在操作時可能造成的錯誤;提升分析與決策能力;更可突破人體的限制,幫助完成以往無法由人類單獨達成的任務。雖人工智慧技術得以廣泛應用;但有有需要由人分析及判斷才得以執行的任務,如:觀測任務。儘管資訊瞬息萬變,雷達觀測人員仍須在短的時間內對眼前的情況,迅速做出分析與抉擇,而這並非人工智慧能取代的。有鑑於此,操作環境及人機介面之設計可謂是至關重要,正因為人的能力是有極限的,故要如何在人有限的能力下,將干擾降至最少,並將績效最佳化,是本研究所欲探究的問題。 本研究蒐集國內外對於會影響心智負荷和視覺疲勞之因子探討之相關文獻,以環境照度、燈光顏色、背景顏色以及符號之邊框顏色等因子為自變項;生理指標、視覺指標、主觀心智負荷和績效表現等因子為依變項。實驗設計方法採隨機完全區集設計,而實驗結果將以SPSS統計分析軟體進行分析。 以雷達模擬介面結果戰情室之模擬環境,評估不同的環境因子以及操作介面參數,對操作員之心率變異性、膚電反應、心智負荷量表、視覺疲勞以及績效等指標是否會造成影響。此次實驗共招募40位符合受測條件之志願者,分別為20位男性與20位女性。每人進行每次為時4分鐘之實驗作業,共計6次。實驗前會先記錄受測人員實驗前之閃光融合閾值,並於實驗結束後進行後測及填寫心智負荷量表,實驗中將同時會蒐集心率變異性、膚電反應和視覺疲勞等指標。 實驗結果表明照度因於LF%數值、總凝視次數和凝視時間上皆有顯著差異,而在績效指標方面,系統績效和邊框具有顯著差異。其餘因子雖未達顯著差異,但仍有其影響程度存在。最後未來建議事項,提供達雷達觀測工作相關人員以及欲探討心智負荷於其他領域之相關研究人員作為參考依據。


The advancement of semiconductor technology has greatly improved the computing power of computers, which has led to the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI). Whether in academia or industry, everyone wants to pursue excellence through AI technology. The performance of the system can reach the same level as the performance of the human. This method not only greatly reduces the errors that personnel may cause during operation; improves analysis and decision-making capabilities; it can also break through the limitations of the human body and help complete tasks that could not be achieved by humans in the past. Although AI technology is widely used, some tasks need to be analyzed and judged by humans, such as observation tasks. Despite the rapid changes in the information, radar observers must quickly analyze and make decisions about the situation in front of them in a short time, which cannot be replaced by AI. Because of this, the design of the operating environment and the human-machine interface can be said to be crucial. Because human capabilities are limited, how to minimize interference and optimize performance with limited human capabilities. The question is that this institute wants to explore. This study collects relevant domestic and foreign literature on factors that affect mental load and visual fatigue. The factors such as environmental illuminance, light color, background color, and symbol border color are independent variables; physiological indicators, visual indicators, and subjective mental load Factors such as performance and performance are dependent variables. The experimental design method adopts a random complete area design, and the experimental results will be analyzed with SPSS statistical analysis software. Use radar simulation interface results to simulate the environment of the war room to assess whether different environmental factors and operating interface parameters will affect the operator's heart rate variability, skin electrical response, mental load scale, visual fatigue, and performance. A total of 40 subjects who met the test conditions were recruited for this experiment, namely 20 males and 20 females. Each person conducts 4 minutes of experimental work each time, a total of 6 times. Before the experiment, the flash fusion threshold of the person under test will be recorded. After the experiment, the post-test and the mental load scale will be filled out. During the experiment, the heart rate variability, skin electrical response, and visual fatigue will be collected. The experimental results show that the illuminance is significantly different due to the LF% value, the fixation count, and the fixation duration, while in terms of performance indicators, the system performance and the frame color are the significant differences. Although other factors have not statistically significant, there are still some influences. As a reference, the final recommendations for the future will be provided by the relevant personnel of the radar observation work and the relevant researchers who want to discuss the mental load in other fields.


吳芳儀、管倖生(2006),心理因素影響影像色彩喜好之研究, 國立雲林科技大學視覺傳達設計研究所碩士論文。
