  • 學位論文

台灣老前住宅規劃新探 以平衡身心感受與設計實務為例

The elderly residential design and practice in Taiwan the balance between body, mind andfeeling

指導教授 : 魏主榮


台灣高齡人口日趨提升,高齡者與其所居住的空間開始受到相對的重視。然而這些在台灣即將要進入高齡年齡層的人口也正是參與並見證台灣經濟起飛的重要族群,除了已累積雄厚的經濟實力外受惠於愈趨進步的醫療科技下,使其在即將邁入高齡者的階段前,大多有能力且願意去追求更好的生活品質與居住環境,來成就年輕時無法實現的興趣缺憾。本研究旨在探討如何在尚未進入高齡時,提前做好未來老後的居住空間規劃;「老前住宅」。 由於國內外相關案例空間論述大多以高齡者使用模式觀點切入,以無障礙空間通識設計為主,鮮少以邁入高齡前階段,從心理感受的概念,規畫空間環境的構成。本研究透過以空間住宅實例案件操作,來呼應在平衡身心感受下的老前住宅現況,藉由與空間使用者的深入談話,從而了解其人格特質、興趣與成就等,逐漸誘導勾勒出居住者的風格與特質,增加居住者對於空間的認同感及與設計者間的共鳴點,進而從中發掘出可提供參考的設計元素,並導入室內設計實務成就居住者夢想的「老前住宅」。 本研究透過與居住者的談話、文獻中未來趨勢的預測與實際案例的檢討,歸納為本研究的重點有四: 1. 在逐漸邁向高齡化社會的台灣,如何提供一個健康安全與機能便利及心理良好感受的老前住宅,將會是未來室內設計的重要課題。 2. 透過本研究案例分析,休閒娛樂與心靈的滿足經常是高齡者未來的生活重心,透過室內設計實務專業,將興趣空間及個性生活模式融入生活空間設計,滿足居住者的歸屬及認同感。 3. 老前住宅設計中,塑造空間的主角逐漸由居住使用者取代設計者,以感同身受及參與式的設計為主導方向,才更能確切符合居住者真正所需的老前住宅空間。 4. 空間規劃除了考量未來居住型態外,還需預留因年齡增長、生活不便而使用輪椅或是看護的彈性空間需求,保持相關的空間動線流暢,使老前住宅進而到終生住宅的終極目標。 「老前住宅」所成就的是人生的下半場,這是一生圓滿成就的成果;晚年的美學;兼顧著邁向老年的未來性考量,設計者要從使用者的視角審視住宅的風格及精神進而完成老前住宅的規劃,再輔以設計技能專業併平衡身心感受,方能完美呈現這成果,進而拉起居住者對於人生下半場精彩的序幕。


As the average age of the Taiwanese population rises, the elderly and the places they live in have begun to garner more attention of the public. However, in addition to the current elderly population, the generation that is about to retire and join the elderly is not only a cornerstone of the Taiwanese economy as well as being a witness to the growth of it. This group of people has not only acquired the ability to accumulate a small fortune for themselves, but they have also prospered underneath the continuous improvement of medical technology. These advantages have allowed them to focus on the quality of living before retiring in order to achieve dreams that they weren’t able to accomplish when they were younger. This research aims to discuss how to prepare a proper living space for retirement before actually retiring called pre-retirement residences. Most current examples of these residences approach the topic from an elderly user’s perspective, focusing on handicap accessible spaces. Rarely do these researches focus on the psychological aspect in the process of creating these residences. This research aims to demonstrate via real world examples and create personalized spaces for the resident through understanding of their personality, interests and achievements in order for the resident to easily acknowledge the living space. Additionally, this research aims to incorporate common interior design principles to create the perfect pre-retirement residence. This research has narrowed down the conversations and documentation to four major points: 1. How to create a healthy, safe, convenient and comfortable living environment will be a major topic of discussion in the future of interior design in Taiwan, as the society approaches an aged society. 2. Creating a fun and interesting living space that incorporates the resident’s personality and living style via proper use of interior design principle. 3. Shifting the focus of the living space from the designer to the actual resident moving forward in order to fully meet the needs of the resident as they age. 4. In addition to considering the future living style, the designer must also leave the living space flexible in case unforeseen circumstances appear such as the need of a wheelchair and other handicap devices. A pre-retirement residence is the accomplishment of one’s life and enables the resident to fully enjoy their retirement. In additional to considering interior design principles, the designer must also consider the design of the living space from the perspective of the resident in order to maximize the happiness of the resident and create a beautiful pre-retirement residence.


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