  • 學位論文


A Study of Working in Exchange for Accommodation Helpers’ Behavioral Model

指導教授 : 黃榮鵬


近年來國外打工換宿之風氣開始進入台灣,同時換宿者藉由口碑效應逐漸接受至民宿以工作換取住宿,民宿業者也大量開放打工換宿機會,進而帶動國內「打工換宿」之風潮。目前打工換宿在國內為新穎議題,因此,本研究旨在探討打工換宿者之打工換宿動機、風險知覺與目的地選擇間之相互影響關係,以及打工換宿後之滿意度與行為意圖,並統整打工換宿者之樣本特性,藉此深入分析打工換宿者之行為模式。   本研究之研究對象為曾經在國內民宿打工換宿過的換宿者,研究架構為參與動機、風險知覺、目的地選擇、滿意度及行為意圖等五大構面,研究方法採用「兩階段設計」,第一階段採取探索性、質化研究,先藉由深度訪談法,輔以滾雪球抽樣法,取得具有參考性之資料,接著由二回合德爾菲法收斂13位專家之意見。第二階段採取驗證性、量化研究,針對打工換宿者進行問卷調查,依比例分層抽樣原則,北中南東及離島共計發放250份,回收155份,有效153分,分析工具運用SPSS統計軟體進行描述性統計分析、信度分析、因素分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析等方法,探討並歸納打工換宿者之行為模式,瞭解其不同行為之因素,以提供目前現有打工換宿形式做調整,並針對國內打工換宿進行全面之規劃。   研究結果發現:一、屬性不同的打工換宿者存在部分之差異;二、打工換宿者之參與動機與目的地選擇具有正相關;三、打工換宿者之風險知覺不會干擾參與動機與目的地選擇之關係;四、打工換宿者之目的地選擇與滿意度具有正相關;五、打工換宿者之滿意度與行為意圖具有正相關。本研究建議打工換宿業者將工作細節契約化,針對打工換宿者建議重新審視其正確心態,最後則針對政府相關單位建議善用打工換宿之影響,進行整體性之規劃,達到三贏之效益,打造國內旅遊新型式。


In recent years, the culture of working in exchange for accommodation has become more prevalent in Taiwan. At the same time, helpers have gradually accepted the form of working in exchange for accommodation at B&B by word of mouth. Also, B&B industry provides a lot of opportunities for working in exchange for accommodation helpers, and it finally leads to a trend - ”working in exchange for accommodation”. Working in exchange for accommodation is still a relatively new topic in Taiwan; therefore, this study aims to explore the relationship among the helpers’ motivations, risk perceptions, destination choices, satisfactions, and behavioral intentions after working in exchange for accommodation. Moreover, to analyze helpers’ behavioral model thoroughly, the study integrates personal attributes of the helpers.   The objects of this study are people who have had experiences in working in exchange for accommodation at B&B, and the framework of research contains five major sections: participating motivations, risk perceptions, destination choices, satisfaction and behavioral intentions. This study uses “two-phase design” method to collect data from multiple sources. The first step is an exploratory and qualitative study. It is undertaken by the expert in-depth interview with snowball sampling as well as two rounds of Delphi method. The second step is a confirmatory and quantitative study. A total of 250 questionnaires were delivered to the helpers by proportional stratified sampling, 155 return questionnaires were received, and 153 were valid questionnaires. In order to understand the factors of different behavioral models and to provide some adjustments and conduct a comprehensive plan for working in exchange for accommodation to its current form, those valid questionnaires were examined by SPSS software to implement descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, independent sample t-test, one way ANOVA analysis and regression analysis for discuss and summarize helpers’ behavioral model.   The results from the questionnaires reveal that, first of all, different types of helpers have some differences. Second of all, helpers’ motivations have a positive correlation on their destination choices. Third of all, helpers’ risk perceptions will not interfere with their motivations and destination choices. Fourth of all, helpers’ destination choices have a positive correlation on their satisfaction. Lastly, helpers’ satisfaction has a positive correlation on their behavioral intentions. This study suggests the B&B industry to make the work contract with more details, and it suggests the helpers to examine their mindsets again; it also suggests the government to make the impact useful; therefore, the overall planning by the three parties can make this new form of domestic tourism more perfect and solid.


