  • 學位論文


The consumptive values of green hotels' customers and hotels' green communication: A means-end chain approach

指導教授 : 張德儀


環境生態之保育及永續經營不只是企業未來發展之重點,更是國家未來展望之策略。企業組織必須將綠色管理之概念導入管理系統,以求更高的綠色管理績效與企業經營績效,並達到環境保護之目標與社會責任之落實,進而追求永續發展效益。為求綠色績效的提升,企業管理除符合環保法律規範與組織發展願景,還需深入瞭解消費者需求,滿足消費者期待並使其獲得特定消費價值,以爭取更高的顧客滿意度與市場佔有率。 對於綠色旅館之經營發展來說,如何吸引更多消費者、深入瞭解與探討消費者的消費價值與期望,甚至促使消費者成為口碑傳遞者是綠色旅館未來的重要課題。再者,除了追求更高的市場占有率,綠色旅館對社會與環境之責任不僅在於經營過程中之維護,對消費者知識與價值傳達等功能亦相當重要。因此,為達到上述效益,綠色旅館消費者之消費價值必須清楚瞭解。本研究以「方法目的鏈」的理論為基礎,以滾雪球抽樣之方法挑選65位研究參與者進行研究訪談,深入瞭解其在旅館的消費過程當中,對於旅館綠色管理作為的價值及認知,並以內容分析法進行分類,進而繪製階層價值圖(Hierarchical Value Map, HVM)。本研究收集13項綠色消費屬性、12項綠色消費結果與11項綠色消費價值,進一步歸納並加以分類,運用蘊含矩陣與價值階層圖之分析結果,深入瞭解旅館消費者對於旅館綠色產品與綠色服務之消費價值階層關係演進模式。 研究發現,在綠色旅館消費範疇內,消費者最為重視之消費價值以「信任感」、「安全感」及「消費慾望」為主。因此,本研究建議旅館業者可針對綠色行銷、產品市場調查、綠色人力資源發展、綠色財務管理及標章認證制度等管理措施的落實,進一步建立綠色品牌形象、適當公開綠色管理資訊以及訂定合理之產品價值以吸引消費者,並藉此獲得長期之市場競爭力。


The purpose of this study is to understand how means- end chain theory can inform communications that effectively convey the values of green consumption to hotels’ customers. The participations responded to questions in a one-on-one interview procedure regarding attributes of hotels, consequences, and values. Laddering interviews were conducted with 65 participants who consumed in the hotels or were involved with environmental protection and social responsibility activities. Based on the responses, hierarchical value maps were developed to better understand consumer value patterns across the hotels. The results suggested that attributes of hotel which practice the green management were largely associated with autonomous consumption, incentive feedback, meals, and faculties. This research suggested what customers really want from the hotels experience so that hotel operators can develop effective marketing strategies, practicing the identification and green accounting system, market investigation, human-resource education, and the most important matter is delivering and emphasizing the core value of green consumption. It is worthwhile for a hotel to invest the green attributes in its products and service that respectful of environment or society. Moreover, hotels' pro-environment initiatives must be introduced for economic reasons. By using a means-end chain approach, this study presented a picture of the consumptive value when they visit the hotel which practice green management, which is a unique contribution of this study.


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