  • 學位論文


The Impact of ECFA Early Harvest on Taiwan's Export to China:Analysis by Difference-in-Differences Model

指導教授 : 陳建良


WTO杜哈回合談判觸礁後,各國開始極積的向外與它國簽訂貿易協,作為拓展自身經貿利益之手段,而我國也在2010年6月29日與最大的貿易伙伴『中國大陸』簽訂海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,簡稱ECFA)。在ECFA簽訂執行五年以來,優先享有關稅調降的貨品貿易早期收穫清單項目,對我國進出口貿易的效果影響還沒有明確的結論。 而本研究是採用差異中差異 (difference-in-differences) 模型,排除現有文獻在資料及方法上遭遇的問題,來評估ECFA貨品貿易早收清單對臺灣出口中國大陸之影響;實證結果可以作為與各界溝通的基礎,資料分析可供未來產業發展政策之參考。研究結果顯示ECFA對於出口總值的成效不彰,主要原因是非屬ECFA項目的出口總額遠大於ECFA早收清單項目;以差異中差異模型計算,可以發現排除非早收清單占比大額項目之後,ECFA有明顯的政策效果。


After the WTO Doha Round negotiations run aground, in order to expand economic and trade interests, all countries began to sign Regional Trade Agreements with other nations. On June 29, 2010 Taiwan with the largest trading partner, "mainland China" signed Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (referred ECFA). After 5 years past, the effect of the early harvest list items on import and export trade is still no clear conclusion. This study uses difference-in-differences model to analyze Taiwan’s exports to China influenced by ECFA early harvest list. The results can be used as the basis for communication with the public, and so as the guideline for future industrial development policies. The results show ECFA is ineffective in total, the main reason is due to non-ECFA items is much larger than that of ECFA early harvest list items. Excluding the biased items from exports, the analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of ECFA policy on promoting Taiwan’s exports to China.


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