  • 學位論文


A Case of Using Poster Performing Visually Minimalistic Creative Style

指導教授 : 康台生


在日趨複雜的現代社會裡,觀察種種的社會現象,人們的生活型態正積極的趨向更簡單、尋求回歸到最基本的生活模式。尤其近年來,極簡主義(Minimalism)被大量的運用在各項設計中,其涵蓋的領域除在有形的空間、產品、平面、廣告上,甚至影響無形的思維、價值觀、乃至個人的生活觀。極簡主義以最簡約的視覺語彙,透過減法、刪去的設計邏輯,把圖像的語言減至極少的色彩與造形,正好貼切的迎合社會的一股反思風潮,「極簡主義」提供了淨化般的功能,反映出對於回歸單純的渴望。 本研究依序以文獻分析法、個案研究及實務製作等三個步驟來進行創作設計,其研究結果如下: 一、透過探討極簡主義的發展脈絡及理念,整理出極簡主義的風格定義為造型最低限度造形、色彩簡單、畫面留白、有結構的秩序、情緒抽離,但強調完全理性,不帶創作者個人情感的設計,在現代設計中有了轉變。 二、極簡的設計風格,在透過現代設計方式的轉化後,維持了原本簡潔俐落、單純化、力求潔淨無暇的呈現,但也同時產生其他如富感性的曲線、弧線,不對稱的的格狀,或簡約低調具禪風的美學氣息。 三、透過對極簡風格的探討,探索極簡主義的理論基礎與發展歷程,深入的了解並歸納出極簡風格的元素,經由對創作風格以極簡形態演繹作品的設計作為研究對象,歸結出設計架構及表現手法,其架構流程為,1.本質的再現;2.複雜的刪除;3.餘白的配置,藉著這三個過程達到「純」化設計的呈現,更可藉由這樣的方式,重新探索事物與環境之間存在的關係和價值觀的再造。並將其理念轉化至現代設計中實踐。


Human beings are seeking simplified and original lifestyles in contrast to the increasingly complicated modern society. Nowadays, minimalism has been widely applied for all kinds of design, encompassing space, products, 2-D, advertisings or even abstract elements such as ideas and a life of philosophy. Minimalism fulfills the needs of the society with the most simplified visual effects through the logic of elimination. Minimalism presents purification as well as reflects people's hunger to return to purity. This research aims to conduct design with data statistics, case study and practical works. The results are as follow : 1. Minimalism, through discussions on its development and ideas, is defined as the most limited design of color simplification, spacing, structural order and mood elimination. However, the completely logical designs without involving the designer's personal emotions has changed. 2. Minimalism has remained a clean, simplified and flawless element not only through modification of the modern design, but also created other elements such as curves, trajectory, asymmetry, or even low-profile Zen. 3. We discover the theory and development of Minimalism through the discussions of it. We understand and conclude the elements of Minimalism, and then we conduct research on the work that interprets it. We conclude the design structure and presentation, which refers to the processes: The re-presentation of originality. The elimination of complication. The spacing. With the three processes to reach the presentation of “purification”, we can not only rediscover the relationship between creatures and the environment but also reconstruct a life of philosophy. This idea can be put into practice in modern design.


Minimalism simplified infinity


理查荷里斯(Richard Hollis)平面設計發展史,1999,龍溪國際圖書
James Meyer(Ed) , 2000, Minimalism, London:Phaidon Press Limited.
Carolyn McCarron, 2003, Expanding Our Field of Vision Globalization and the Changing Landscape of Visual Communications, Communication Arts.
Kasimir Malevich, 2003, The Non-Objective World: The Manifesto of Suprematism, Dover Publications.
Ellen H. Johnson( ed ), 1982, American Artists on Art, New York.


