  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃惟饒 博士


本研究旨在探討台南市國中教師法治態度與行為,並以零體罰政策之因應作為為例,進一步對其相關變項進行探討。   本研究採用調查研究法,研究者以自編的「台南市國中教師法治態度與行為相關之問卷」作為研究工具,抽取台南市20所公立國中教師共得364名國中教師有效樣本,透過描述統計、單因子獨立變異數分析各變項(性別、年齡、服務年資、教育程度、師資養成方式、擔任職務、學校所在地區、學校班級數)與教師法治態度與行為分數的差異情形,若達0.5顯著水準,則進一步以薛費法進行事後比較,最後在皮爾遜積差相關來探討教師法治態度與行為的關係。   研究發現如下: 一、台南市國中教師在「法治態度量表」平均分數為84.36分,顯示台南市國中教師在法治態度尚稱良好。 二、台南市國中教師在「零體罰政策管教作為因應量表」的平均分數為31.65分,顯示台南市國中教師管教作為表現趨於正向積極。 三、年齡、服務年資及職務三個變項對台南市國中教師的「法治態度」有顯著差異,其餘變項則無。 四、性別、職務及任教區域三個變項對台南市國中教師的「管教作為」有顯著差異,其餘變項則無。 五、台南市國中教師的法治態度與行為之間達顯著中度正相關。 六、台南市國中教師的法治態度與因應零體罰態度之間達顯中度正相關。 七、台南市國中教師的零體罰態度與管教作為因應之間達顯著中度正相關。   根據研究結果提出以下建議: (一)持續深耕法治教育的辦法 (二)推動政策時,宜以澄清教師個人認知或形成團體共識為重點。 (三)規劃資深教師經驗傳承計畫 (四)建立行政、導師工作輪調機制 (五)幫助教師有機會接觸法治議題


This research aims to discuss legal attitudes and legal behavior which junior high school teachers in Tainan have possessed and embraced. In this thesis, we take teachers’ responsive behavior to Zero Corporal Punishment discipline behaviors as an example, and we would like to inquire the Policy for example relationship between variables correlation.   Analytic Method of Investigation is adopted in this research, and as a method, the questionnaire titled “the legal attitude and the behavior related research tool,” the questionnaire, extracting 364 valid samples from 20 public schools, titled “ The Legal Attitudes and Behavior Related to Junior High School Teachers in Tainan” is created. Through descriptive statistics, single-factor analysis of variance of independent variables ( gender, age, length of service, level of education, ways of developing, functions of office, school districts, classes ) , and different scores between teachers’ legal attitudes and behavior, the difference case, ( If the 0.5 significance level, then further to Schaffe’s method for post hoc comparison, in the end Pearson product-moment correlation) to explore the legal attitudes and legal behavior of teachers.   We’ve concluded the following results: 1. The average score, 84.36 points, of “Legal Attitude Scale” shows most teachers possess correct legal attitudes. 2. The average score, 31.65 points, of “Responses to Zero Corporal Punishment Policy Scale” indicates teachers tend to behave students positively and actively. 3. Three variables, which are age, length of service, and functions of office, affect teachers’ legal attitudes significantly while others don’t. 4. Three variables, which are gender, functions of office, and school districts, affect teachers’ discipline behavior significantly while others don’t. 5. A moderate positive correlation between teachers’ legal attitudes and behavior has been showed. 6. A moderate positive correlation between teachers’ legal attitudes and responses to Zero Corporal Punishment Policy has been showed. 7. The correlation between attitudes to Zero Corporal Punishment Policy and discipline behaviors of the Tainan City junior high school teacher's show a significant moderate positive one. According to the results above, the following suggestions are proposed: 1. Keep enforcing legal education strategies. 2. While impelling the policy, clarifying teachers’ personal cognition and forming a common consensus are key points. 3. Plan a system to encourage instruction from experienced teachers. 4. Establish a sturdy rotation system between homeroom teachers and office holders. 5. Offer more opportunities for teachers to be acquainted with legal issues.




