  • 學位論文


Using the Eye Tracking Method to Explore the Relation between Reading of High-school Biology Textbook and Concept Understanding

指導教授 : 楊芳瑩


圖文兼備的教科書在現今學校教育中是教師教導與學生學習的主要依據,因此,教科書上的圖文閱讀歷程與概念理解之間是否會存在關係值得我們進一步探討。本研究主要使用眼球追蹤技術,紀錄高一學生對於高一生物教科書圖文內容的閱讀歷程,並使用研究者自編的理解測驗來測試高一學生對教科書中內含概念的理解程度,進而討論閱讀歷程與概念理解之間的關係。眼球追蹤資料經過統整後,使用SPSS 19 軟體搭配依據理解測驗結果的分組,進行描述性統計、同質性檢定與單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)。結果發現,學生在文字部份所花費的凝視時間普遍比圖片部份高。在文字部份,高分組對於新資料區的文字花費較多的視覺注意力,同時也具有較多的回視次數;而在圖片部份,高分組普遍有對理論示意圖的凝視點數較多、圖文交互閱讀次數也較多的結果。


Textbook which with both text and graphic is the foundation stone of what teacher teach and what student learn in school. For this reason, It’s worth us to do further study about the relationship between reading text and graphic in textbook and concept understanding. In this study, we used the eye tracking method to record the process when senior high school’s freshman reading their biology textbook, and used comprehending test which compile by researcher to find out degree of student’s concept understanding. Ultimately, we combine the result of the reading process and concept understanding, and investigation the relationship between both. We used SPSS to treat the data which get trough eye tracking method. Manipulating eye tracking data, we collect the result about descriptive statistics, test of homogeneity, and one-way ANOVA by the outcome of comprehending test. In the end, we find out that student cost more fixation time in text more than in graphic. When looking in the text region, students who doing greater in comprehending test tend to cost more visual attention in zone of new data, at the same time, they also tend to have more regression times in this zone. When we comes to the graphic region, students who have higher score in comprehending test tend to cost more fixation count in the graphic which exhibit the theory, and have more saccade scanning times between text and picture at the same graphic.


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