  • 學位論文


Research for effects of play therapy and sensory integration therapy combination on motor performance of developmental coordination disorder children

指導教授 : 李晶


本研究旨在探討遊戲治療中心理論和感覺統合治療理論對發展性協調障礙兒童的動作能力表現,以台北縣復健科診所尋求感覺統合治療的兒童為研究對象,以movement ABC測驗做為前測,結果選取發展性協調障礙兒童11名,感覺統合異常兒童15名接受感覺統合治療,治療後再以movement ABC測驗後測,整理後所得資料經獨立樣本t考驗、相依樣本t考驗分析後,得到以下研究結果: 發展性協調障礙兒童男、女生在Movement ABC前期測驗中除在排珠子項目達顯著差異外,在其他各分項中皆沒有顯著差異;在Movement ABC各大分項之比較在手部操作靈活度項目達顯著差異外,其他項目皆無顯著差異。而發展性協調障礙兒童與感覺統合異常兒童在Movement ABC前期測驗比較,顯示發展性協調障礙兒童與感覺統合異常兒童在各項測驗中,除了腳跟接腳尖走路外,幾乎都有顯著差異;且Movement ABC各大分項皆達顯著差異。發展性協調障礙兒童經遊戲治療及感覺統合治療後,男、女生在Movement ABC後期測驗之比較,顯示除在穿洞洞項目達顯著差異外,在其他各分項中皆沒有顯著差異。發展性協調障礙兒童與感覺統合異常兒童經遊戲治療及感覺統合治療後Movement ABC後期測驗之研究比較顯示除了排珠子、雙腳跳方格、腳跟接腳尖走路外,幾乎都有顯著差異;Movement ABC各大分項皆達顯著差異。顯示在發展性協調障礙兒童與感覺統合異常兒童經遊戲治療及感覺統合治療在動作協調上仍有顯著差異。 整體而言,融合感覺統合治療及遊戲治療對發展性協調障礙兒童有具體的治療效果,可改善發展性協調障礙兒童的動作協調能力,尤其是粗大動作能力,運動覺的處理能力。本研究結果可提供給治療人員或家長處理發展性協調障礙兒童之參考。


The purposes of the study was to discuss effects of play therapy and sensory integration therapy theories on motor performance of DCD (developmental coordination disorder) children who taking sensory integration therapy in the rehabilitation clinic located in Taipei County. After Movement ABC pre-test, we choose eleven DCD (developmental coordination disorder) children and fifteen SID (sensory integration disorder) children to take sensory integration therapy. After taking therapy, then repeat with Movement ABC post-test. While all necessary data were gathered, we conducted the statistic analysis of t-test (independent samples) and t-test (correlated samples).The main conclusions of this research were: For Movement ABC pre-test of DCD children, there is no significant difference between boys and girls in most sub-items, except align bead sub-item. And for major items in Movement ABC, there is no significant difference between boys and girls in most major items, except mobility of hands.Then compare DCD children to SID children in Movement ABC pre-test, almost all tests show significant differences, except tiptoe-heel walking. All major items of Movement ABC show significant differences. After DCD children taking play therapy and sensory integration therapy, we found there is no significant differences between boys and girls for most sub-items in Movement ABC post-test, except go through hole sub-item. It also shows, after DCD and SID children taking play therapy and sensory integration therapy, most items do have significant differences, except align bead, jumping square with two feet and tiptoe-heel walking. All major items of Movement ABC show significant differences. So, after taking play therapy and sensory integration therapy, DCD and SID children have significant differences in motor coordination. Our conclusion is combination of play therapy and sensory integration therapy training has demonstrated its effects in improving these DCD children’s motor coordination ability, especially in gross motor ability and kinesthetic ability. This research can be provided therapists and parents to apply the reference while handling DCD children.


林冠宏,吳昇光(2002)。台灣地區七至八歲發展協調障礙兒童之研究。中華民國物理治療學會雜誌,27, 5。


