  • 學位論文


The Study of Willingness of Holding Section's Director and Correlation Factors for the Industrial Vocational High School Teachers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 徐昊杲


摘 要 本研究主要在探討我國公立高職中設有工業類科之專業專任教師兼任科主任的意願與個人背景及リ作背景對兼任意願之影響。本研究採用描述研究法,透過文獻探討與問卷調查等方法,蒐集教師兼任科主任意願相關資料,然後進行統計分析。研究工具以自編之公立高職工業類科專業教師兼任科主任意願及相關因素研究問卷,內容包含個人背景資料、リ作背景資料及教師兼任科主任意願量表三部份。以我國公立高職中設有工業類科之專業教師為研究對象,抽樣 19所學校,發出505份問卷,回收有效問卷共466份,回收率約為92.3%。 本研究經統計分析,得到結論如下: 一、我國公立高級職業學校工業類科教師對「兼任科主任意願」,傾 向較正面的感受。在意願分層面中,以教師對所屬科的歸屬感 (組織向心力)對意願的貢獻度最大,其次是教師對科主任任職 後果的評價(期待價值)及擔任科主任的信心與能力(勝任能 力),且呈現正向的效果。而在個人興趣、特質的適合度上(個 人特性)及對科主任一職的權力、責任、負擔、喜好、苦樂(職 務本身)的感受最差,並呈現負向的效果。 二、我國高級職業學校工業類科教師個人背景變項中,僅有性別、年 齡、子女年齡層及健康狀況對兼任科主任意願有顯著影響;而最 高學歷、任教年資、婚姻狀況、子女之有無及子女人數,對兼任 科主任意願無任何影響。 三、我國高級職業學校工業類科教師之工作背景變項中,僅有行政經 歷變項對兼任科主任意願有顯著影響;而學校所在地、科別規 模、科主任產生方式及科主任任期對兼任科主任意願無任何影 響。 關鏈詞:高級職業學校、科主任、意願


高級職業學校 科主任 意願


Abstract This study aims to explore the willingness of a teacher to act as the section director at the same time and the impact of a teacher’s personal background and working background on the willingness of being a section director in Taiwan’s public industrial vocational high schools. This study adopted the descriptive research method to collect the data about the willingness of the teacher to hold the section director from questionnaire survey, the data analysis was also used to process these collected data. The research tool of this study was a self-edited questionnaire, which consisted of three parts: the personal background, the working background and a scale of the willingness of being the section director. The samples were professional industrial teachers in Taiwan’s public industrial vocational high schools. There were total nineteen sample schools, and 466 copies out of 505 questionnaire copies were valid and the rate of returning copies was about 92.3﹪. The conclusions reached by the analysis were as follows: 1. There was definitely positive feeling for the public industrial teachers to act as the section directors. In the different levels of willingness, the belonging toward the teacher’s section made the greatest contribution to the willingness. Next, not only the teacher’s comments on the results of being section director but also the confidence and capability of acting as the section directors showed the positive effect. But the personal interest, the characteristics and the power, responsibility, loading, liking, burden of being the section director showed the negative effect. 2. Among the variances of industrial teachers personal background, the variances of sex, age, the age of their children and the condition of health had great impact on the willingness of being a section director, however, the variance of the highest academic background, the teaching history, the marital status, the number of the children had little influence on the willingness of being a section directors. 3. Among the variances of industrial teachers working background, the variance of the administrative experiences of being the section director showed the obvious influence; in contrast the variances of the location of the school, the number of the section classes, the way of election and the term of the section directors carried no impact on the willingness. Keywords: Vocational high school, section director, willingness


