  • 學位論文


Learning and Teaching Strategies in 「Speaking」Chinese of Foreign Students

指導教授 : 葉德明教授


在台學習中文的外籍學生,往往都希望自己在兩、三年內能將華語說得流利順暢,且與華人溝通良好,以達到他們來台學習中文的首要目標。因此,許多學生便在「說」的技能方面下了較多的功夫,也同時運用了許多他們認為在學習上有效的策略或方法。 本研究即是盼望能深入瞭解外籍學生,特別是在「說」的技能上表現優秀的中、高級班學生,他們平日在課內課外所使用的學習策略為何以及著重強調使用的方法有哪些? 研究方法是根據Rebecca L. Oxford在1990年著作的第二語言學習策略(Language Learning Strategies)書中所有與「說」的技能相關的學習策略和方法為基礎來製作問卷;以三十位在台華語學齡二至三年的中級班學生(西方學生7人、東方學生23人)與三十位華語學齡三年以上的高級班學生(西方學生13人、東方學生17人)為對象進行問卷調查及當中二十位學生的簡單訪談,另外也訪談三位於台中美國學校任教的美籍教師,記錄他們在台學習「說」華語的經驗和策略。 經由問卷調查及訪談的結果能夠一窺外籍學生在台學習華語所使用的各種策略中,使用頻率最高也最喜好的學習方法是哪些?根據這些資料討論的結果,提出華語文在「說」方面的教學技巧和方法之建議,以期能作為從事華語教學者的參考資料,而對相關課程的教學設計略盡棉薄之力,共同來幫助學生達到「說」得一口流利道地的華語之目標。


The foreign students of learning Chinese in Taiwan mostly eager to speak Chinese well in a couple of years, and still desire society of Chinese people to fulfill their purposes. For that reason, lots of students have spent more time and attention developing their 「speaking」 skill, in the meantime, they’ve also used many efficient learning strategies or methods for speaking. There is an expecting in this thesis that is exactly to know the skills of speaking Chinese from the foreign students, especially from intermediate and advanced students; What learning strategies or methods do they use in class or out of class ordinarily? The questionnaires are based on the book of Rebecca L. Oxford.1990. “Language Learning Strategies” those are relevant to 「speaking」skill. There were 30 intermediate students ( 7 occidentals & 23 orientals ) and 30 advanced students ( 13 occidentals &17 orientals ) to fill out the questionnaires, and I was granted permission to interview with 20 students of them, in addition, I was also allowed to talk about the experiences of learning Chinese with three American teachers who work for Morrison Academy in Taichung. According to the consequences of questionnaires and interviews, we can discern what the supreme utility rates or the most favorite learning strategies they have, then pursuant to experimental results, I would like to offer some suggestions for the teachers of TCSL and for teaching projects meagerly in this field. Let’s help our students speak Chinese fluently and idiomatically.




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