  • 學位論文


A Study of Elementary School High Graders’ Preference on Visual Designs of Student Outdoor Education Worksheets

指導教授 : 伊 彬


學習單在戶外教學中屬重要輔具,也是教學者在執行教學計劃時的重要依據,因此適切的學習單視覺設計與版面安排是否能更激發學童的學習意願,是本研究最主要的研究動機,目的是期望透過本研究讓學童能在戶外教學過程中更愉快、更有收穫,且能自發的從「做中學」。 本研究探討國小戶外教學學習單設計要點、兒童視覺美感階段的論述與兒童認知心理的相關文獻理論,從中整理出清晰明確的學習單視覺設計策略表,續以台北一零一大樓觀景台現行已採用的學習單內容題目做為依據,設計出視覺上相異的學習單版本,並以國小高年級兒童作為學習單設計對象,透過問卷探討國小高年級學童對三種學習單版本的喜好差異,統計問卷並分析數據,進而提出驗證與改進之方法。希望這篇論文中的發現、結論與建議,能協助後續研究者或視覺設計創作者,在設計兒童教學輔具與學習單時,能稍有貢獻與幫助,進而提升國小學習單設計的內涵與效能。 本研究中所獲得的成果為: 1.探討學習單視覺設計與兒童視覺認知心理之文獻,整理出學習單視覺設計策略單。 2.藉由策略單的評估,提供未來在戶外教學學習單視覺設計的參考。 3.本研究透過問卷調查作敘述統計,發現國小高年級學童對戶外教學學習單視覺設計的喜好要素有以下幾點: (1)國小高年級學童喜歡採用可愛、卡通、甜美溫馨圖像的學習單。 (2)國小高年級學童喜歡明亮輕快、豐富色彩的學習單。 (3)特殊的折頁與編排設計,會提升與吸引國小高年級學童的學習意願。 (4)國小高年級學童偏好圖多字少的學習單。 (5)國小高年級女童對學習單喜好分明,與女性對事物的好惡分明結果一致,因此在設計時應更注意此項結果。


Worksheet is an important complementary teaching tool. It is also an important basis while carrying out the teaching plan. Therefore, the main motive of the research is to find out whether appropriate visual designs and well layouts of worksheet arouse students desire to learn. The study aims to make outdoor education fun, effective, and to make students “learn by doing” spontaneously. This study probed into relevant literatures on elementary schools outdoor teaching worksheet design guidelines, stages of children’s visual aesthetic construction and children’s cognitive psychology and sort out a clear list of visual design strategies of worksheets. With the above mentioned list, visually different worksheets for high graders were designed based on the worksheets of the scenery platform of Taipei 101. A survey was given to the high graders on the three different versions of the worksheet. Through statistics of the survey, the study purposed relevant proofs and improving suggestions. Through the findings, conclusions and suggestions of the study, the study wishes to provide helpful references for later studies or visual designer on children’s complementary teaching tools and worksheets and contribute to the elevation of contents and effectiveness of elementary school worksheets. The results of the studies are as follows: 1.Studies the relevant literatures on visual designs of worksheets and children’s’ visual cognition and sort out the list of visual design strategies of worksheets. 2.Through the evaluation of the list, the study provides the reference for future outdoor teaching activity worksheets. 3.Through statistics of the survey, the preferences of elementary school high graders on visual designs of outdoor education are as follows: (1)Elementary school high graders prefer worksheets that are cute, cartoony, warn and sweet. (2)Elementary school high graders prefer worksheets they are bright, light and colorful. (3)Special folding and arrangements attracts elementary school high graders and arouse their willingness to learn (4)Elementary school high graders prefer worksheets that are with more pictures and less words. (5)Elementary school female high graders significantly like or dislike certain worksheets. This coincide with the fact that woman are significant with the thing they like and dislike. Designers should pay more attention to this when designing worksheets.


吳佩修、朱斌妤(2001)。解說員影響民眾參觀博物館經驗之研究:以國立科學工藝博物館為例。科技博物,5, 65-80。


