  • 學位論文


A Study on Senior High School Students' Oxidation-reduction Mental Models and Concept Change

指導教授 : 邱美虹


探討高中生氧化還原心智模式及概念改變之研究 本研究的主要目的在探討高中學生氧化還原概念心智模式的類型及相關概念改變情形。利用質性晤談,找出學生氧化還原的心智模式,發展封閉式二階層試題診斷工具,並針對屏東縣前三志願公立高中學生進行施測,研究結果以質化與量化兼具的方法進行分析。 在質化分析方面,從RAINBOW理論(邱美虹,2008)中的認識論面向、本體論面向、概念發展等面向,探討不同年級的學生概念改變的情形:(一) 就認識論面向來看,學生對氧化還原概念的心智模式類型(1)就氧化還原反應概念而言,學生持有的心智模式有八種:氧模式、燃燒模式、電子模式、氧化數模式、時序模式、途徑模式、化合/分解模式、科學模式;(2)就氧化數定義及應用概念來說,學生持有的心智模式有七種:氧原子個數模式、非氧原子個數模式、電荷數模式、莫耳係數模式、程度模式、速率模式、科學模式。 (二) 就本體論面向而言,學生在氧化還原反應定義概念上,高一學生多數持有的氧模式、化合/分解模式,多錯置在物質本體中,高二學生若持有的是電子模式與氧化數模式,則分別錯置在過程本體的直接過程與物質類別中,高三學生若持有的是氧化數模式,則會誤派在過程本體的直接過程。 (三)就概念發展的觀點來解釋學生的想法,發現到學生對氧化還原反應的自發性解釋,常常與科學史上已經放棄的舊典範相同。高一學生多持有「燃燒模式」,其想法與Scheele(1779)發現到燃燒現象不謀而合,亦有學生持有「氧模式」,誠如Lavoisier發現到空氣中有一種物質,命名其為「氧氣」的想法呈現一致。高二、高三學生在學習過原子、電子、酸鹼反應單元後,再接觸到氧化還原課程,大多持有「電子模式」,認為氧化還原反應與離子價數有關,此想法與Arrenhius(1884)提出的離子理論與Lewis(1916)的價電子理論相呼應。而持有化合/分解模式的學生,認為一般反應中化合物的分解過程亦是氧化還原反應的一種,此想法與Liebig(1837)將氧化還原定義為化合物移出氫或釋放出氧原子的想法有其類似之處。 在量化分析方面,採用的是SPSS的統計軟體分析概念表現情形,與研究者自行研發的一套機率統計軟體,研究發現學生在回答二階層試題時,我國高中生多數以氧的得失屬於氧化還原反應的概念普遍表現良好,隨年級增加上升;電子的得失亦屬於氧化還原反應的概念,高二學生表現略優於高三學生,但統計上無顯著差異;高三學生氧化數定義及應用概念得到較高的分數,隨著年級而有明顯增加的現象。 本研究從多元面向探討高中學生氧化還原心智模式類型及概念改變情形,研究成果可作為課程設計者、科學教師們、科學教育學者之參考。


A Study on Senior High School Students' Oxidation-reduction Mental Models and Concept Change This research mainly aims to explore senior high school students about their oxidation-reduction mental models and concept change. It is operated with qualitative interview to find out students' mental models of oxidation-reduction with enclosed two-tier test diagnosis tools developed. Also, the students from the best 3 senior high schools in Pingtung County are tested. Research results are analyzed in both quantitative and qualitative methods. As for qualitative analysis, from the dimensions of epistemology, ontology and conception development in the RAINBOW theory (Chiu,2008), the situations for concept change among students of various grades are explored. First,in view of epistemology dimension, students' mental models about the conceptions of oxidation-reduction are described as below. (1) As for the conception of oxidation-reduction, students hold 8 types of mental models, namely the “oxygen” model, the combustion model, the electronic model, oxidation number model, the time sequence model, the route model and the combination/decomposition model. (2)As for the definition and application for oxidation numbers, students hold 7 types of mental models, namely the oxygen-atom number model, the non-oxygen-atom number model, the electronic charge model, mole coefficient model, the “degree” model, the reaction rate model and the scientific model. Second,about the ontology dimension, in view of students' ideas about the definition conceptions of oxidation-reduction, most 10th grade students hold “oxygen” model and combination/decomposition models misplaced in material category. If 11th grade students hold electronic models and oxidation number models, they are separately misplaced in the direct process and material categories in process category. If 12th grade students hold oxidation number models, they are misplaced in the direct process of process category. Finally,in view of development to explain students' ideas, it is found the spontaneous explanation for students' ideas about oxidation-reduction are oftentimes the same as old examples forsaken by science history. As for 10th grade students holding the ideas of combustion models, the ideas are consistent with the combustion found by Scheele (1779). There are also students holding the “oxygen” models. It is consistent with the idea of a type of material existing in the air found by Lavoisier and the material is known as “oxygen”. After 11th and 12th grade students have learned the chapters about atoms, electrons and acid-base reaction and involved with the ideas of oxidation-reduction subsequently, most of them hold electron models and they suppose oxidation-reduction reaction and ion valence numbers are correlated. This situation is consistent with the ion theory proposed by Arrenhius (1884) and the valence electron theory proposed by Lewis (1916). As for students holding combination/ decomposition models, it is supposed that the decomposition process of compounds from common reaction is also a type of oxidation-reduction reaction. This idea is similar to the definition of oxidation-reduction proposed by Liebig (1837), namely the release of hydrogen atoms or oxygen atoms from compounds. About quantitative analysis, the analysis on conception performance is operated with SPSS software. Researchers also develop a set of probability statistical software to analyze students' possible answer routes among various question sets. From this research, it is found that when students answer two-tier questions, most local senior high school students holding the conception of oxidation-reduction meaning the gain and release oxygen atoms show their excellent out performance in learning with academic grades increasing. The ideas of both gain and release in electrons also belong to the conception of oxidation-reduction. The performance of 11th grade students are slightly superior to 12th grade students, but shows no significant difference statistically. 12th grade students reach higher scores about the definition of oxidation-reduction and application conception. With academic grades increased, the scores are increased significantly. In this research, the mental model types and concept change about oxidation-reduction of senior high school students are explored in multidimensional ways. Research results are proposed with reference available for academic course designers, science teachers and scholars of science education.


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