  • 學位論文


Parallel Imports of Copyrights—From the Perspective of the Conflicts of Law

指導教授 : 林益山


自二十世紀七O年代以來,隨著經濟全球化和科技發展快速化,跨國公司財富的急遽長,以及國家間的相互依賴性日益增強,對知識和技術的控制與一國的競爭利益與發展密切相關。智慧財產權已經不僅僅是作為一項法律制度,更是作為保持國際競爭力、適應深刻變革的世界經濟所必須採取的國家政策。 本文研究的動機,欲以著作權中散布權權利耗盡為焦點,以國際私法的角度討論在應然面上我國之立法政策以及學理,究竟採取國際耗盡抑或內國耗盡為宜;同時在實然面上亦對我國著作權法之相關規定作一檢討,並且就我國在國際上所面對之困境亦加以介述。至於研究的目的,則是希冀透過上開的論證過程,對於散布權的耗盡原則在現今國際貿易發達的背景下,有更加正確的認識。 本文的研究範圍是以著作權中的散布權權利耗盡為討論的焦點。首先對著作權人的散布權加以介紹,包括散布權的意義與功能;同時也介紹國外及國際條約就散布權所為之立法例,並藉此檢視我國著作權法所規定的散布權。在對著作權人的散布權有所認識之後,本文即進一步討論有關散布權耗盡的問題。本文之研究內容除了檢討我國著作權法有關真品平行輸入的規定外,亦就國外立法例及著名司法實務判決加以討論。 經研究發現我國著作權法之所以就平行輸入採取國內耗盡而非國際耗盡,其原因在於傳統國際私法屬地主義的迷思,以及因為我國的特殊情況所面臨的國際壓力所致。因為我國地位特殊,時而在國際上遭遇不平等之處境,甚而我國之著作權法制亦為美國干預甚深,關於此點或許有其客觀上難以改變的無奈。然就學理上來說,屬地主義不必然導出禁止真品平行輸入的結果。蓋真品是否准許自由輸入,依各國政策有所不同,是否允許僅為各國政策性決定。且採取國際用盡原則對經濟文化發展之目的之達成較有幫助。且就現今國際經濟發展觀之,全球貿易自由化已成為趨勢,故應著重商品流通之跨國性,採取國際用盡原則。


Since the 70’, with the globalization and technology advancement, multinational companies have been gathering speed in accumulating their fortunes. While the degree of dependence among countries has been increasing, the monopoly of knowledge and technology plays an important role in the country’s competitiveness. The copyright is not only a law but becomes a policy which enforces competitiveness and adaptation to the revolution of world economy. The motivation of this study is to discuss the “should be” in related to the legislation and theoretical basis from the perspective of conflict of law with the focus on the exhaustion of distribution rights, whether we should adopt global exhaustion or domestic exhaustion. This study will also review the existing copyright and related regulations of R.O.C and difficult situation we are confronting in the global market. The purpose is through the discussion, to enhance the awareness of exhaustion of distribution rights in the highly global environment. The scope of study is to focus on the exhaustion of distribution rights. First, we will introduce the concept of distribution rights of the copyright owner, such as the definition of distribution rights and its influence. Second, we will present the legislation of distribution rights in the international treaty, also review the distribution rights of R.O.C. Third, we will further discuss the exhaustion of distribution rights. The thesis not only focuses on the parallel importation of copyrights but also discuss the related legislation of other countries and the famous cases. The study proves that we adopt the domestic exhaustion of the parallel importation of copyrights. The reason is the myths of jus soli from conflict of laws and pressure from other countries. We are often facing the difficult and unfair situation; our legislation of copyrights is interfered by United States. In reality it is hard to change. From the theoretical basis, jus soli may not necessarily result in the prohibition of parallel importation. It all depends on the country’s policy whether the importation of copyright is allowed. The global exhaustion can contribute to the economic and cultural development. Moreover, in view of the globalization, the free trade has become the trend. It is without argument that global exhaustion should be adopted to promote the cross-border merchandise movement.


parallel Imports copyrights


(一)Paul Goldstein , International Copyright, Oxford


