  • 學位論文


The Performance Evaluation of the Shredding Plants of End-of-life Vehicles in Taiwan- Application of Data Envelopment Analysis

指導教授 : 張四立


由於台灣機動車輛使用數量持續上升,加上機動車輛是由許多不同材質組成,廢棄後若未妥善處理將會衍生嚴重的環境問題。目前環保署針對廢機動車輛回收、拆解及廢車殼粉碎處理進行補貼,其中對於粉碎分類處理廠雖以資源再利用比例進行差別補貼,但因處理廠均能領取最高級距費率而使鑑別度不足。因此,本研究試以資料包絡分析法(DEA)評估我國五家粉碎處理廠經營績效,以期將研究成果作為未來補貼及分級管理之施政參考。本研究評估期間為2009年至2012年,投入變數選擇包括「員工人數」、「用電量」及「廢車殼投料量」;產出變數選擇包括「收入」、「異常次數」及「ASR產生量」。 本研究評估結果發現,整體技術效率及純技術效率表現最好的為C廠,規模效率表現最好的為B廠,而2009年正逢全球經濟不景氣,因此各廠的效率表現普遍不佳;由差額變數分析,最需改善的變數為「異常次數」,而其他建議各廠改善項目的則包括「用電量」及「ASR產生量」;在敏感度分析部分,投入項的「廢車殼投料量」及產出項的「收入」對產業效率表現影響最大,而此二變數亦為D廠及E廠的效率優勢來源。而要改善產業效率現況,除了粉碎處理廠可改善設備效能外,亦可由環保署改善差別補貼制度,以及增加獎優汰劣機制,來促使產業經營效率改善。


The number of motor vehicles is increasing in Taiwan, and motor vehicle is composed of many different materials. End-of-life vehicles will cause serious environmental problems if not properly handled. EPA gives subsidies for end-of-life vehicles be recycled, dismantled and vehicle shell be shredded, and grading subsidizes the shredding plants with recycling rates. However, the shredding plants always can get the highest level subsidies, so this system is no discrimination. Therefore, the research evaluate performance of five shredding plants of end-of-life vehicles in Taiwan by data envelopment analysis, and hope the result can be used for subsidizing and grading management in further. The research evaluate period is during 2009 to 2012. The input items are including “Number of Violation,” “Electricity,” and “Shell Input,” and the output items are including “Income,” “Number of Exceptions,” and “ASR Output”. The research result shows that plant C has the best Technical Efficiency and Pure Technical Efficiency, and plant B has the best Scale Efficiency. In addition , global economic is downturn in 2009, so efficiency of all factories are generally poor. By the slack variable analysis, the variable most in need of improvement is “Number of Violation,” and other suggestions to improve are including “Electricity” and “ASR Output”. In the sensitivity analysis, “Shell Input” of input items and “Income” of output items affect the efficiency of the industry the most serious, and the two variables advantage plant D and E, too. In order to improve the status of industrial efficiency, shredding plants can improve performance of equipment, and EPA can improve the grading management and subsidizing regulations.


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