  • 學位論文

電子市集式的食品廠商環境資訊分享平台 - 以肉類食品業為例

An E-marketplace-style Platform to Share Environmental Information of Food Manufacturers – Case Study on The Meat Industry

指導教授 : 方鄒昭聰


食品安全問題是人類社會一直存在的問題,只不過隨著科技不斷的進步,人類逐漸的發現一些可能之前存在但卻未知的問題,近期最知名的就屬中國的毒奶粉事件。分析近年來全球食品安全問題的發生,多半是肇因於生產的環境受到汙染以及生產過程中不良善的控管所導致;就是因為人類對環境的無知以及對利慾的貪婪,造成了對自然環境的破壞,伴隨著而來的便是產生對空氣、水及土壤的污染,且人類用工業化手段大量的生產食品,在為改善人類食品結構立下汗馬功勞的同時卻也帶來了新的問題,好比:隨著世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO)成立之後,食品問題的全球化是不可避免,因此,只要在大量生產的任何一個環節出現漏洞,往往就會演變成一場災難。歐盟便提出了一套食品生產履歷的制度,要求食品供應鏈上的廠商要記錄生產過程的資訊,更在2005年時,規定進口食品必須遵守這種規定,不然將不得進入歐盟市場。根據上述,本研究以肉類食品業為例,利用電子市集的概念,嘗試規劃設計一個針對食品供應鏈廠商的環境資訊分享平台,且將蒐集的資訊建立一個環境資料庫,並以 HEML(Historical Event Markup and Linking project)建構環境資料的交換標準,提供業界或學術上相關研究與應用。


Food safety issue has been existed in human society, with the technology advancing what people began to discover some the existence of the issues but unknown before. In the recent, the China toxic milk is the most well-known event of food safety issue. Analysis of global food safety issues in recent years, the majority due to manufacture in environmental pollution, as well as production process in a bad control. Human don’t understand the environment that cause to generate environmental pollution and only want to get benefits that adopt the means of industrialized manufacture in food manufacture, after the WTO established, the globalization of the food safety issue is unavoidable. In one day, if food issue comes up during the food manufacturing process, it could cause calamity. So The EU(European Union) has set up a Food Traceability system, recording information about the process of food manufacture. This study proposes to provide an E-marketplace-style platform to share environmental information of food manufacturers and establish an environmental database, also can construct environmental data exchange protocol with HEML, it can provides industrial application and academic research.


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