  • 學位論文


A Study on Network Governance of Agencies and Non- Profit Organizations-Case Study of Supportive Employment for the Differently-Abled

指導教授 : 翁興利


支持性就業政策是透過身心障礙者權益保障法的施行細則,由中央政府專責主管機構,補助地方政府辦理身心障礙者就業服務,配置充份的資源,以適當的管理方式,採取對外招標的實行措施,使支持性就業政策委託非營利組織來達成預定目標或目的。在政府政策規劃機構的容量不夠的情形下,政策問題應該加以檢討。本研究是透過網絡治理的角度以深度訪談法,訪談專家、學者、雇主、家長等利害關係人,針對身心障礙者支持性就業相關議題進行研究。具體而言,本論文的研究問題如下: 一.政府機關制定身心障礙者支持性就業的政策目標合理程度? 二.檢視政府政策在支持性就業政策目標的達成度如何? 三.探討支持性就業政策目標合理度和執行達成度之間,主要影響落差的因素有哪些?及 其因應之道為何? 本研究之具體發現如下: 一.政府政策目標方面:1.支持性就業績效指標具有明確性,有利政策執行的落實。2. 職業輔導評量工具,對身心障礙者就業深具有價值性。 3.支持性就業政策招標方式,著重服務量取向。4.一年推介身心障礙者就業成功12人,確實有困難。5.嚴謹的評鑑制度內容是合理的。 二. 政府政策執行方面:1.支持性就業是委外經營,政府宜將獎勵措施延長兩年。2.補 助款與招標案方式不同,執行者心理壓力大。3.政府實施的配套措施,希望再提高 服務人數。4.職務再設計使身心障礙者的生活作息和工作更順暢。5.社會事業與支 持性就業,有截長補短的作用。6.高中轉銜服務就業計畫,宜落實身心障礙者提早 穩定就業。 最後,從研究發現對政府政策、非營利組織實務,以及後續值得研究方向等提出建議。


Public policies for supportive employment to assist in securing the fully inclusive rights of the differently-abled as specified in the Guidelines Implementing the Differently-Abled Rights Protection Act, are assigned to the central public policymakers of specialization, with financial grants in aid to the local authorities to provide employment services for the differently-abled, providing sufficient resources, along with appropriate management methods, including implementation through public procurement contracting efforts, allowing supportive employment public policies to achieve their expected objectives through implementation by not for profit organizations. Given the insufficient public policymaking capacity of the public institutions, it is imperative to critically reconsider present policies. This study relies on the perspective of internet administration to conduct in-depth interviews, and interviews with experts, academics, employers, heads of household and other stakeholders, to consider supportive employment issues for the differently-abled. Specifically, this thesis explored the following questions: 1. How reasonable are the objectives established by policymakers for supportive employment public policies for the differently-abled? 2. How successful do you feel that supportive employment public policies for the differently-abled have been in reaching their objectives? 3. In considering the reasonableness and success of supportive employment public policies for the differently-abled in reaching their objectives, what are the primary factors influencing the differences between the two? What responsive policy recommendations are indicated? This study’s findings are as follows: 1. In terms of public policy efforts: (1)Clearly defined indicators for objectives for supportive employment policies, are helpful in ensuring policy implementation. (2)Employment and vocational guidance and evaluation tools, are very valuable in assisting the differently-abled with employment. (3)Public procurement notices for supportive employment efforts, should emphasize service provision. (4) Achieving an annual placement goal of 12 differently-abled persons, was difficult. (5)Rigorous evaluation audit contents are reasonable. 2. In terms of public policymakers implementation, the study found: (1)Supportive employment programs are contracted out, it would appear better if public policymakers recognition of successful projects should provide for an extension of performance bonuses for two years. (2)Grants in aid and contracted out public procurement methods are quite different, creating substantial pressure on service providers from uncertainty. (3)Public policymakers suite of measures aiding implementation, should include greater human resource deployments. (4)Employment design for the conditions of work should fully account for the lifestyle and work convenience needs of the differently-abled for smooth integration. (5) Social undertakings to follow the Government Procurement Act Enforcement Rules, to help more people with disabilities secure employment. (6)Inclusiveness in transition from high school to employment plans Internet Administration, can help the differently abled to realize stable employment transition. Finally, recommendations were suggested for public policymakers, not for profit organizations practical efforts, and future research directions.


鄭麗嬌,1999,<美國社會福利政策發展之研究:回顧與展望>,《中國行政評論》,第9卷第1 期,頁103-134。


陳湘晴(2014)。政府與非營利組織之協力關係: 以台中市政府愛心食物銀行為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-2811201414225443
