  • 學位論文


Policy Making and Practice of Urban Planning Toward Aging Society: A Case Study of Aging-friendly City in Taipei

指導教授 : 張容瑛


由於全球高齡化的人口結構變化趨勢,加上迅速的都市化,使高齡人口的佔都市人口的比例日益增加,未來勢必將對都市發展產生相當大的影響。面對此一人口危機,WHO提出了高齡友善城市八大面向,並建立起全球的高齡友善城市網絡來在各城市進行推動。而我國高齡少子化的問題更甚嚴重,因應高齡友善的全球趨勢,亦開始於全台灣各個縣市開始推動高齡友善城市計畫,且在國外的規劃政策或研究中發現有些國家會透過土地使用管制的方式來對都市環境進行調整。而台北市既作為我國的首善之都,又是目前五個直轄市當中老化最嚴重的城市,在都市規劃上應如何去因應則成為一重要挑戰。本研究之目的有二: 一、探究我國受國際高齡友善城市趨勢影響,中央與地方政府都市規劃政策的形成與問題。 二、依據台北市高齡友善城市的脈絡特質,分析台北市高齡都市規劃之議題,以提出因應之策略與規劃實踐上的建議。   透過政策文獻檢視、並且與相關政府官員進行訪談,本研究發現,我國「高齡友善城市」之都市政策形成過程,是一種「形式主義」的展現。一方面,主導高齡友善城市計畫的中央機關(衛福部),其政策推動主要目的之一在於,期望透過營造台灣「高齡友善」的特色為世界所認同,提出台灣將成為「全球高齡友善城市參與最高的國家」之政策宣示,因此,積極透過政策引導各縣市研提高齡友善城市計畫。另一方面,受到中央政府政策引導、各縣市之間的政策競爭、以及台北市全球城市發展企圖,台北市政府亟欲於 2013年底完成「計畫報告書」,以申請加入WHO 高齡友善城市國際網絡會員。然而,在「準時產出計畫報告書」的行政壓力及政策思維下,相對忽略城市特質探究、部門協調及資源整合等政策實踐的關鍵因素。是以,台北市的高齡友善城計畫成為具有「形式主義」色彩的都市政策計畫。而「無障礙與安全的公共空間」以及「住宅」兩面向指標的直接引入,使都發局在此一計畫所扮演的角色較著重在建築無障礙設計與住宅內部空間設計,無法發揮都市計畫上位的空間配置功能。   由於直接的引用可能導致忽略台北市的高齡特質以及地方在規劃上應重點處理的問題,故本研究透過歸納WHO高齡友善城市的相關指標項目,整合「公共設施」、「開放空間」、「住宅」三大區塊,以國內之既有研究以及田野觀察和訪談為主,以檢討高齡友善的都市規劃議題,並提出相關的規劃策略以及修法建議;並透過本研究作為一個都市規劃領域中比較全面性的初步研究,指出高齡友善都市規劃應著重的面向,並提出後續研究可進一步研究的參考方向。


Because of the trend of aging society and urbanization, the proportion of elderly population in cities is increasing, and it must largely impacts on urban development. WHO proposed “Global Age-Friendly Cities Project”, and set up a global network to promote it. Taiwan also responded this trend to promote aging-friendly city project in every city. Reviewing the foreign planning policies and researches, I found that some countries would improve urban environment to be more aging-friendly by land use control. Taipei, as capital of Taiwan and the oldest city in five municipalities, is more challenging toward aging society in urban planning. Thus, there are two purpose of my research: 1. To explore how the trend of WHO aging-friendly city impacts on Taiwan, and the formation of urban planning policy and problems. 2. According to the identity and characteristics of Taipei, to analyze the urban planning issues of Taipei toward aging society, to promote respective strategies and suggestions on urban planning. This research found that the central authority of aging-friendly city project (Ministry of Health and Welfare) hopes Taiwan to be known as the most aging-friendly country in the world, and this affects Taipei city government to be eager to fininsh its aging-frienldy report to apply for WHO Global Network of Age-Friendly Citeis member in 2013, and it results in formalistic aging-friendly city project of Taipei. In all aspects of WHO 《Global age-friendly cities and communities: a guide》, deparment of urban development of Taipei city government is involved in “outdoor spaces and buildings” and “housing” aspects, and it just focuses on accessible design of building and universal design of housing ,without its most important function of allocation of city, and highlight the problem of cross-sectoral integration no matter Taipei city government and the department of urban development. Then, I separate the urban planning issues into three parts- public facility, open space, and housing, and review the urban planning issues of urban planning toward aging society with the existing researches and fieldwork and interviews of myself, and promote appropriate planning strategies and sugguestions of legislative amendments. This research is a preliminary research and the front of the comprehensive research in urban planning. I integrate and point out some key points that we should focus on in urban planning of aging-friendly city, and I also propose some suggestions for further researches which are also important but they couldn’t be executed in this research due to some limitations.


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