  • 學位論文


The study of the relationship among hospitaller, emotion labor, emotional exhaustion, Internal marketing -An Empirical Study of a Teaching Hospital in South Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳熙玫


隨著國內經濟的發展,產業結構轉型為以服務業為主,企業為消費者提供服務的整體觀念與服務品質皆大幅提升,企業員工為提升顧客滿意度,必須表現出正向的情緒,因此員工在服務過程中的情緒問題,成為企業所需面對的新的挑戰。醫院為一個高情緒勞務之工作場所,而醫院護理人員的工作內容就如同一般服務業從業人員一樣,在沉重的工作負荷下,亦須展現專業的服務熱誠,故常須壓抑真實感受以表現良好的情緒狀態;但是情緒表達的規範對於員工來說是一種壓力,情緒勞務的多寡會造成員工身心俱疲,易有情緒失調,甚至耗竭而深深影響服務品質,因此醫院應先讓員工感到滿意,員工才可能真正樂在工作、樂在服務,醫院可以藉由內部行銷作為對待員工,發展符合員工需求的產品,吸引、發展、激勵及留住組織所要的優秀員工,使員工具備服務熱誠、服務能力、及服務權力,並藉此來降低護理人員情緒勞務,避免情緒耗竭產生。 本研究將護理人員情緒勞務構面區分為「表層偽裝」及「深層偽裝」兩部分,同時將內部行銷作為定義為「甄選訓練」「關懷員工」「管理支持」及「獎酬激勵」四種作為。本研究採用問卷法,並以南部某教學醫院的護理員工為對象,探討情緒勞務與情緒耗竭間是否有顯著的相關性存在,以及透過何種內部行銷作為可以來降低護理人員的情緒勞務,避免情緒耗竭的產生。共發放260份問卷,回收217份問卷,回收率為83.5%。藉由描述性統計、變異數及複迴歸等統計分析,分別檢測其間的關係模式和本研究所提出的假設,歸納出下重要的研究結果,做成結論說明並提出具體可行的建議,以提供醫院決策時之參考,並實際落實於管理之中。 1、 不同工作單位的護理人員在情緒勞務與內部行銷作為之研究架構中各變項有差異,但是情緒耗竭變項無顯著差異。 2、護理員工的情緒勞務及情緒耗竭之間不完全具有相關性。 3、護理員工的情緒勞務與情緒耗竭之間不完全有顯著預測力。 4、內部行銷在情緒勞務與情緒耗竭之間不完全具有干擾效果。


With the development of domestic economy, the industrial structure has changed into relying mainly on service trade; enterprises have improved a lot in service conception and quality provided to consumers. Enterprise staffs must demonstrate positive emotion to improve customers’ satisfaction. These factors have become a new trend that forms a new challenge to enterprises. The hospital is a working place of high emotional labor, the hospitaller must to open out responsiveness of professional service in heavily working loading so that they not only bear with really felling but also perform their duties faithfully ,how to express emotion become a serious pressure .Emotional labor loading makes to exhausted him completely and affected quality of service, therefore, the hospital should be satisfied by members then perform quality of service and working hard in the working place, The hospital can develops program to attract excellent members by the internal marketing that can increase responsiveness of service, ability of service and right of service then reduce emotional labor and emotional exhaust This study to discriminate emotional labor become surface acting and deep acting dimension and to discriminate internal marketing become selection and training, concerned about members, management and support and encouragement dimension . This study through questionnaires to test relation between emotional labor and emotional exhaust and how to reduce emotional labor by internal marketing, Two hundred and seventeen questionnaires out of two hundred and sixty were returned. The response rate is 83.5%. By using statistical analysis such as descriptive statistics, variation analysis, and complex recursive analysis, we have respectively measured the relational model among these to verify hypotheses claimed in our study. Finally, in order to provided some suggestion for decision making of management Results of statistical analyses provides conclusions as follows: 1.The hospitaller with different part will lead to variance emotional labor , and internal marketing ,but emotional exhaustion had no significant difference. 2.There is no exactly relationship between the emotional labor and emotional exhaustion. 3.The relationship between the emotional labor and emotional exhaustion not exactly has prediction. 4.The internal marketing not exactly have mediator effects between the emotional labor and emotional exhaustion




