  • 學位論文


The Study of Salespersons' Altruistic and Egoistic Behavior-A Case of Bank's Salespersons.

指導教授 : 鄧盈嘉


商業化的社會裡,絕大部分的企業組織,其銷售人員扮演了創造公司業績與營業收入的角色,因此銷售工作的負擔是很大的。在公司業績壓力與競爭力十足的社會裡,銷售人員面對銷售工作時所表現出的行為也有所不同,有的銷售人員以利他主義為原則去面對他(她)的工作;而有的銷售人員則是用利己主義來做為其行為的依據。不論是採用利己行為或利他行為,銷售人員這樣不同的行為已經成為影響企業追求成長、保持競爭力的重要關鍵。本研究以銀行現金卡與信用卡銷售員為研究對象,探討影響銷售人員利他行為與利己行為的因素。 研究使用SPSS10.0統計軟體,以台灣地區公、民營金融機構及外商銀行之分行信用卡和現金卡銷售人員為受測對象。利用SPSS 統計軟體作為分析工具,透過描述性統計、信度分析、主成分分析、複回歸分析、典型相關分析,依據研究目的做資料分析與假設檢定。 研究結果顯示組織因素中「組織競爭氣氛」、「顧客導向文化」對行為動機影響較大,個人因素中「風險偏好」、「人格特質」對行為動機影響較大。行為動機方面「維持良好關係動機」、「學習成長動機」對利他行為有較大的影響,「獲得實質獎酬動機」、「學習成長動機」則對利己行為有較大影響。研究結果建議企業更重視銷售人員之重要,建立起良好的工作環境與制度,且甄選適合的銷售人員,最重要的是重視員工行為背後真正的意義。


The salesperson is a major revenue-producing and cost-generating factor in most business enterprises. Consequently, the salesperson’s burdens are very heavy. The successful management of sales-force is of central importance in determining the success of the firm. However, one frequently observes differences among salesperson in their response patterns to competitions or difficulties with sales tasks, some face his(her) sale work as bases of altruism , whereas others face their sale work as bases of egoism. No matter how they adopt altruistic behavior or egoistic behavior, which become the key point for seeking business growing and keeping competitiveness. This research take the bank’s salesperson in Taiwan area to be the examples, confer the influence factors of salespersons’ altruistic or egoistic behaviors. The expectations of the study can help companies to pay attention to their salesperson, and then to establish applicable tactic and management for salesperson. The research results indicated that organizational factors’「competitive atmosphere」and「culture of customer-oriented」have more influence on behavioral motivation, the personal factors’ 「risk appetite」and 「personality characteristics」 have more influence on behavioral motivation. On the part of the behavioral motivation, 「keep the existence’s motivation」and「learning motivation」have more influence on altruistic behavior, 「gain the reward’s motivation」and 「learning motivation」have more influence on egoistic behavior. Therefore, based on the findings of this research, we suggest that corporates should understand the salesperson are very important, and to establish a perfected work environment, to select the suitable talents, actively pay attention to the meaning and impact behind salespersons’ behavior.


