  • 學位論文


A Study of Deconstructing Female Marketing-Feminist Perspective

指導教授 : 鄧盈嘉


多年來,先進國家不斷地在男女平等的議題上努力,國際間亦出現了許多傑出的女性領導者。而在台灣,由於女性教育程度逐漸提升,使得男女性別之教育程度日漸接近,女性就業人口快速增加,自有收入也相對提高,因此,行銷活動所面臨的是一個變化無常的經營環境,往日成功的行銷策略並不代表便適用於今日之情境,行銷者若不拋棄舊有以男性消費者為主要訴求之行銷思維,終將無法在這快速變遷的市場中繼續生存。本研究採用質性研究法,是一份理論建構取向的探索性研究,為了顧及所形成之理論實用性,故除文獻之外,採行紮根理論進行研究,並以歸納的方式,對於現象加以歸納分析,使之具有研究價值,萌生概念與理論。 本研究以大學女性教授為訪談樣本,經由第二章文獻探討及訪談內容的歸納整理後,針對受訪者認為的女性行銷之相關經驗與做法,提出研究命題:「行銷企劃人員,要培養兩性平權的思維及敏銳度,讓女性跳脫傳統的角色,不要陷入性別的迷思」、「尋求女性現實生活中更深層的意義,而非只是塑造完美的女性圖像」、「行銷活動應避免過度將焦點放置於性別特徵上,以免落入性別商品化的陷阱」、「銷售人員的態度與服務品質是行銷活動的成它]素」,以及「女性不只是憑「感覺」購物,而是更多「理性」的評估與考量」。以此調整當前之行銷方案,幫助行銷人員發展出一套適合女性市場之行銷策略。


For many years, the developed countries make many efforts in the equality of the gender subject, and there are a lot of remarkable female leaders presented in the international environments. In Taiwan, as a result of the high education to popularize, the female’s education level popularize gradually, and education degree are similar to male's day by day. As the increasing of female employment, they are improving the income relatively. The marketing environment is changeable, The marketing strategy isn’t suitable for today's situation as it was successful in the past. If the marketers do not to give up former marketing thinking regarding male's consumer demands, they wont to survive in rapid-changing market at last. This study is a qualitative research and it is build on constructing orientation of exploratory research. In order to consider the practicability of this thesis, it’s using grounded theory to study the subject except the literature and also using inductive method to induct various circumstances to enlarge a value of research and produce ideas of the theories. This study is focus on the female professors in Taiwan area, the researcher aimed at university female professor argued that experience of female marketing, and proposed the propositions by the literature review and interviewing contents inducing and collating. The topics as following:(1)The marketing executives have to cultivate the conceptions of ambisextrous equality, escaping the binding of traditional female role.(2)Seeking the female actual value, the executions don’t set a mold of the perfect female image.(3)Marketing activities should avoid to focus on gender characteristic extremely. (4)Those which attitude of salesperson and service quality are marketing activity’s success factors. (5)The female shopping motivations aren’t just the feel, they will think purchased process rationally. For this reason, this study will marketing project to help the marketing executives developing the marketing strategy of female marketing.


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高雅琳(2010)。購買保養品女性之網路資訊使用行為 研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201000329
