  • 學位論文


The Composition of Fry and Engraulidae Breeding Season in the Chiku Wetland of Taiwan

指導教授 : 翁義聰


台南市七股濕地為台灣最大的沿海濕地之一,是魚、蝦、貝類及底棲生物的重要繁殖區,瀕臨絕種的黑面琵鷺重要棲息地,也是當地漁民的重要漁場。為了解七股濕地魚類的群聚與動態變動,自2006年4月起至2008年4月止,進行魚苗採集,每1至2個月於黑面琵鷺保護區西側閘門外以定置網捕撈魚苗一次,共累計23次,採獲81,818隻魚苗標本,分屬14目42科;科的豐度為3.8、均勻度為0.6、歧異度為2.1。最大的目為鱸形目(Perciformes)包含有20科,數量較多的科依次為鯷科(Engraulidae, 26.4%)、雙邊魚科(Ambassidae, 20.8%)、鯔科(Mugilidae, 13.3%)、鰕虎科(Gobiidae, 11.6%)、鰏科(Leiognathidae, 10.1%)、海鰱科(Elopidae, 9.5%)及鯻科(Terapontidae, 2.7%)等,其中鯔科為黑面琵鷺的主要食物之一。第一年有12,228隻魚苗,分屬於29科,第二年有69,590隻魚苗,分屬於41科,年間的魚苗相對數量沒有顯著差異(P= 11.9%),但就春夏秋冬季節間的魚苗相對數量比較,季節間的魚苗相對數量則有顯著差異(P= 1.3%),主要的原因為鯷、雙邊魚、鯔、鰕虎、鰏、海鰱及鯻等魚苗組成所造成。鯷科產卵期分散於各月份,且多次產卵;漢氏稜鯷及島嶼小公魚的主要產卵季同樣在夏季及秋季,但是次要產卵季,漢氏稜鯷為春季,而島嶼小公魚則在冬季,明顯不同。


Chiku wetland in Tainan, Taiwan was one of the largest coastal wetland. To understand the Chiku wetland clustering and dynamic changes in fish, since April 2006 until April 2008, fry were collected every 1 to 2 months in the Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Area using one large fyke net for a cumulative total of 23 times. A total 81,818 fry specimens were collected, which belonging to 14 orders and 42 families. In family level, the Margalef richness was 3.8, Pielou's Evenness was 0.6, Shannon-Wiener Index was 2.1, respectively. The order Perciformes, represented by 20 families, was the best represented of the 12 orders identified. The most abundant fry species were Engraulidae (26.4%), Ambassidae (20.8%), Mugilidae (13.3%), Gobiidae (11.6%), Leiognathidae (10.1%), Elopidae (9.5%), and Terapontidae (2.7%), respectively. The first year, 12,228 fry was belonging to 29 families; the second year 69,590 fry was belonging to 41 families. They were not significant difference between those years. But, in different season was significant difference (P= 1.3%).


Fry Fishery resources Biodiversity Chiku wetland Taiwan


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