  • 學位論文


An Application of Multiple Attribute Decision Marking on the Selection of Third-Party Logistics Agile Suppliers

指導教授 : 張洝源


物流活動串聯了企業整個生產經營過程,是企業賴以生存的基礎,在企業運用的競爭策略中,扮演舉足輕重的角色。專業的物流公司,擁有先進的物流技術,豐富的物流經驗,良好的通路關係,能夠為企業提供專業化的物流服務。由於規模經濟的因素,物流成本較低,這些都對企業產生相當大的吸引力。而在現今全球化的經濟潮流下,競爭愈來愈激烈,企業之敏捷力是指能夠快速辨識與把握市場機會的能力,然而在大環境不斷動盪下,產品生命週期逐漸縮短,許多企業為了提升自身競爭力與降低成本,紛紛將企業物流部份的流程委外。在供應鏈的體系下,透過第三方專業物流服務以及時、快速的方式,來完成產品的交付。 本研究主要目的在於探討在企業的物流委外策略中,以第三方物流的角度,藉由不同特性之物流資訊系統,對第三方物流敏捷度之影響程度來衡量對託貨者與收貨者之物流,期望藉由選擇敏捷之第三方物流,進而提升整體供應鏈物流之敏捷度。本研究考量如何選擇敏捷的第三方物流合作夥伴,經由文獻整理出相關敏捷度準則,共整理出四大構面及二十一項準則,並同時使用以下四種分析方法,分別為模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method, FDM)、詮釋結構模式(Interpretive Structural Modeling, ISM) 結合Herrera-Viedma’ Model發展成為分析網路程序(Analytical Network Process, ANP)以及VIKOR(VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje)程序。結合此四種方法於企業供應商之管理實務,期望能降低評選第三方物流的潛在風險,並提升企業營運效益。 本研究根據歷年之文獻整理出與第三方物流敏捷供應商之相關準則,共有四大構面二十一項準則,再經由研究個案公司進行適當準則的篩選,企業篩選結果為四大構面十八項準則,接著進行準則階層分析尋求在準則之間的架構於相互依賴與回饋性,並計算準則之相對權重,將企業內部對於與企業合作之第三方物流供應商進行敏捷度分析,為企業挑選出符合企業需求的最適第三方物流敏捷供應商。


Logistics activities link the entire management processes of enterprises, which lay the foundation that ensures the survival of enterprises and play a pivotal role as far as competitive corporate strategies are concerned. Professional logistics companies boast advanced logistics technology, rich experience in logistics, and good channeling, all of which enable them to provide professional logistics services. The economies of scale factor and lower logistics costs are quite appealing for enterprises. In today’s trend of the globalized economy and increasingly intense competition, enterprises’ agility refers to the ability to quickly identify and grasp market opportunities. However, with the ongoing turmoil at present, product life cycles have progressively become shortened, and many enterprises have outsourced their logistics processes in order to enhance their own competitiveness and reduce costs. Under the supply chain system, product deliveries are completed through third parties’ timely and fast professional logistic services. The purpose of this study is to explore the enterprises’ logistics outsourcing strategies. From the perspective of Third-Party Logistics (3PL) and the degree of impact the logistics information system with different characteristics has on 3PL agility, the logistics of consignors and recipients were measured, with hopes of choosing agile 3PL and enhancing the overall agility of the supply chain logistics. In this study, considerations were given to how to choose agile 3PL partners. The related agility criteria from the literatures were summarized into 4 main dimensions and 21 criteria. Meanwhile, four analysis methods below were adopted: Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM), Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) combined with Herrera-Viedma’ Model to develop into the Analytical Network Process (ANP) and VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje procedures (VIKOR). The four methods combined were used by enterprise suppliers in their management practices in order to reduce potential risks relating to 3PL selections and enhance the operational efficiency of the enterprises. Based on the literatures over the years, the criteria relating to 3PL agile suppliers were summarized, which consist of 4 main dimensions and 21 criteria. Then, through the study cases (companies), appropriate criteria were selected. The enterprises screened and selected the results to derive at 4 main dimensions and 18 criteria. Hierarchical analysis was then conducted to seek the interdependence and feedbacks between the criteria structures and calculate the relative weights of the criteria. Internal agility analysis on the 3PL suppliers that cooperated with the enterprises was conducted to choose the most appropriate 3PL agility suppliers that meet the enterprises’ needs.


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