  • 學位論文


Integrating Kano model and IPA Into Service Quality of Sunfar 3C Hypermarket

指導教授 : 賴福來


隨著資訊科技的快速發展,3C產品儼然成為國人生活的必需品,且3C產業的競爭日趨激烈,許多業者紛紛著重於顧客的服務品質並以顧客為導向,因此顧客的聲音(Voice of the Customer, VOC)就顯得相當重要。本研究,也有別於一般的服務品質調查方式,以品質工程的概念為出發點,運用田口法S/N比修正重要度-滿意度分析(Taguchi's signal-to-noise ratio approach of Modify Importance performance Analysis)、Kano二維品質模式(Two-Dimension Quality Model)及品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)的方法來探討順發3C量販店的服務品質與顧客滿意度,並給予相關改善方案的參考依據。 本研究採用Parasuraman、Zeithaml和Berry三位學者所提出SERVQUAL量表為問卷題項的架構。藉由問卷調查,以便找出順發3C量販店的服務品質中哪些服務品項是顧客較為不滿意的,應予以加強改善等,再依二維品質特性予以歸類,並藉由品質改善指標的增加滿意度指標(Satisfaction Increment Index, SII)與降低不滿意度指標(Dissatisfaction Decrement Index, DDI)。將這些指標轉化為品質機能展開之權重因子,使業者能清楚瞭解顧客的聲音,進一步提供符合顧客需求的服務。 研究發現,順發3C量販店的服務品質,在顧客的認知中多為無差異品質(Indifferent Quality Element),由於該產業的同質性高導致差異化不明顯,因此可以根據S/N比修正IPA的結果改善服務品項,並利用品質機能展開的結果分析,建議業者在客服訓練、教育訓練與市場定位這三方面,應列為優先改善的的管理措施,以便改善服務品質進而提升顧客滿意度。


In this research, Service quality is also different from the general method of investigation, from quality engineering concepts as a basis, use Taguchi's signal-to-noise ratio approach of Modify Importance performance Analysis, Kano Two-Dimension Quality Model and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) approach to explore the service quality and improvement and relevant reference to give the Sunfar 3C Hypermarket. This study adopts SERVQUAL scale by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry to references for questionnaire survey. By using questionnaires, to find out which the Sunfar 3C Hypermarket of the service quality of service items are comparison dissatisfied customers, Should be done to improve the strategies. Then follow the characteristic of two-dimension quality is classified and the satisfaction increment index and dissatisfaction decrement index of its service quality is calculated. This research helps Industry clearly understand the voice of the customer and meets customer's demand. Empirical result show the customer's perception of mostly indifferent quality on the Sunfar 3C Hypermarket of service quality. As the homogeneity of the industry resulting in high differentiation was not obvious. Therefore, according to S / N ratio modify IPA resulted in improvements in service items, and the use of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) the results of analysis, Proposed industry in customer service training, education training and market positioning in these three areas, Should be a priority to improve the management measures, In order to improve service quality and thus enhance customer satisfaction.


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