  • 學位論文


A Study on the Junior High School Students’ Cognition in Sustainable Food in Yunlin County

指導教授 : 王文瑛


糧食生產全球化,衝擊地方農業、國內糧食自給率低,加上食安問題頻傳等,國內專家建議可以效仿日本食育,發展適合臺灣的食農教育,落實綠色飲食以促進我國農業與飲食之永續性。雲林縣為臺灣糧食生產重鎮,其縣內國中生對於食與農的認知有多少呢?而雲林縣致府教育處於2007年開始推動設置校園有機菜園,本研究也欲了解雲林縣國中生體驗有機菜園耕種活動特性不同其認知是否有差異? 本研究以綠色飲食指標了解雲林縣國中生綠色飲食認知概況,並探討國中生體驗有機菜園農耕活動特性不同,其綠色飲食各構面之差異。採用問卷調查法來收集資料,以便利抽樣方式在海線學校與山線學校中各抽取5所,共10所國中,共發出546份問卷,有效問卷為464份,有效問卷回收率為90%。研究結果發現,雲林縣國中生在綠色飲食認知以綠色烹調設施得分最高,而綠色食具得分最低,建議鼓勵學子養成攜帶環保餐具與水杯之習慣,並在校園內廣設飲水設施,校外則請手搖飲商家提供自備水杯之優惠;而有機菜園農耕體驗後,發現以班級、為期一學期且搭配課程的效果較佳。建議雲林縣國中小學可搭配完整之食農教育課程進行有機菜園推行,並可尋求鄰近小農協助,取得農地與農業達人課程指導使有機菜園發揮更佳的效果。希望本研究之結果,能提供後續欲辦理食農教育之學校一些參考。


Globalization of food production has impacted local agriculture, resulting in Taiwan’s low food self-sufficiency. And frequent food safety incidents have made the matter worse. In response to this challenge, experts in Taiwan suggest that Taiwan can follow Japan’s suit in food education and develop tailor-made food and agriculture education, thereby achieving sustainable food and promoting the sustainability of agriculture and food in Taiwan. Yunlin County is a stronghold for food production in Taiwan. But how aware are junior high school students in the county of food and agriculture? In 2007, the county government began to promote organic vegetable gardens in schools. As such, the purpose of this study is to understand whether characteristic differences in farming activities in such organic vegetable gardens have led to differences in awareness among these students. This study uses the Sustainable Food Index to understand awareness of sustainable food among junior high school students in Yunlin County and examines characteristic differences in farming activities among these students in their organic vegetable gardens to see if these differences have led to any differences in their awareness of various aspects related to sustainable food. For data collection, a survey was conducted on 10 junior high schools, which consist of five each sampled from the mountainous and coastal regions of the county through convenience sampling. Of the 546 distributed questionnaires, 464 were valid, constituting a 90% response rate. Findings of this study show that these students score highest in sustainable kitchenware and lowest in sustainable food utensils. It is therefore suggested to encourage students to foster the habit of bringing their own sustainable plates/bowls and cutlery and drinking cups, set up more drinking facilities in schools, and recommend handshake drink vendors outside schools to offer discounts for bringing your own cups. After the farming experience in the organic vegetable gardens, it is found that such experience for a duration of one semester with associated courses has produced better results. It is therefore suggested that elementary and junior high schools in Yunlin County can combine comprehensive courses for food and agriculture education with their promotion of organic vegetable gardens and obtain access to farm lands and coaching and guidance from farming experts by seeking support from nearby smallholder farmers for better results from the implementation of organic vegetable gardens. It is hoped that findings of this study can provide some insight into implementation of food and agriculture education for schools.


張瑋琦(2011)。農村綠色飲食與食育推廣方案之研究。臺北市 : 行政院農業委員會。
Miyuki Adachi(2008)。Theories of nutrition education and promotion in Japan:enactment of the “Food Education Basic Law”. Asia Pac J ClinNutr ,17(S1),180-184.


