  • 學位論文


The Impact of Turnkey Contracting on the Business Strategy of Domestic Contractors

指導教授 : 李建中


統包制度係世界性之趨勢,據眾多文獻顯示【Molenaar 1999,Sanvido 1999,李得璋 2000】,統包制度具縮短工期、節省成本、提昇品質等多方面優點,各國政府以統包制度取代傳統採購之趨勢逐漸明顯。我國自採購法實施之後,公共工程始得依法將設計與施工併於同一標案辦理採購。而我國營建業多屬中小型企業,且礙於相關法令之限制,廠商僅具設計或施工之單一能力,未來面對統包市場之新需求,必需經過整合與調適。根據相關文獻顯示,統包工程龐大的備標費用及履約時較高的風險,會加速我國營建業市場設計與施工之垂直整合化。短期而言,設計與施工廠商之間會以策略聯盟之方式合作;長期而言,較具規模之營造廠或設計顧問機構可能發展成兼具設計與施工能力之大型廠商,主導未來統包工程市場,而規模較小之廠商則僅能以專業包商型態經營。 本研究主要探討統包制度實施之後,廠商進入統包市場之障礙及應因之對策,同時分析廠商策略聯盟類型與動機;並由產、官、學相關領堿之專家學者訪談結果設計問卷,內容包括「廠商基本資料」、「統包市場進入障礙之評估」、「廠商經營策略之評估」、「策略聯盟之相關因子評估」四大部份;最後以我國大型營造廠與設計顧問機構等共計140家曾經參與統包工程之廠商進行問卷調查。並以套裝統計軟體SPSS分析問卷,最後根據文獻分析及問卷調查之結果提出廠商參與統包工程之相關建議。本研究之成果包括「統包制度對營造產業發展影響及障礙分析」、「廠商經營型態分析及經營策略建議」二部分,希冀對後續參與統包工程之廠商有所助益及供政府推動統包制度之參考。


策略聯盟 統包


According to many documents, turnkey contracting has the merit of shortening the construction time, reducing cost, and improving the quality. It is becoming obvious that turnkey contracting is gradually replacing traditional contracts for public works in many countries. In Taiwan, the integration of design and construction into one single contract is only possible after the implementation of the Government Procurement Law in 1999. The majority of the contractors in Taiwan is small-to-medium business and was only allowed by the laws to be responsible on either design or construction. The contractors must have some adjustment and integration on the business strategy to meet the challenge of turnkey contracting. It is expected that the huge expense of bid preparation and the higher risk of turnkey contracting will accelerate the vertical integration in the construction industry. The strategic alliance of design firms and construction companies will provide a short term solution for most of the turnkey tenders. In the long run, some companies with stronger technical and financial background may develop into turnkey contractors with both design and construction capabilities. Some smaller companies may select to develop itself into specialty contractors. This study has focused on the market obstacles for the contractor to enter turnkey contracting and analyzed the motive of strategic alliance for construction companies. Interviews with experts from the government and from the industry have helped the design of questionnaires and some 140 contractors who had some turnkey contracting experience are requested to fill out the questionnaires. Statistical analyses were conducted and results presented. The major findings of the study can be categorized into two parts: 1. The impact of turnkey contracting on the construction industry, and 2. The proposal on strategic alliance in business strategy. It is hoped that this study will provide some reference and help for those companies who are interested in turnkey contracting in the future.


Strategic Alliance Turnkey


8. 呂鴻德,「Q&A 企業策略聯盟」,商周文化事業股份有限公司,民國85年。
33. Greenfield, “Turnkey Construction in the United States”, ASCE, Vol. 108, No.102. ,1982。
34. Haviland, “The Architects’ Hand Book of Professional Practice”, The American Institute of Architects ,1985。
37. FIDIC, “Conditions of Contract for EPC Turnkey Projects”, FIDIC, 1999。
41. Cable, Current Issues in Industrial Economics, The Macmillan Press L.T.D , 1994。


黃美惠(2011)。統包工程專案成功關鍵因素之研究 ─以X公司興建變電所統包工程為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201100187
