  • 學位論文


The Study of The Product Strategy、Organizational Development and Organizational Ability at a Start-up Company-In Case of The A Company

指導教授 : 黃同圳


台灣內部高科技產業由從前傳統製造業逐漸轉型成以設計研發為主的產業型態,也就是Design House之模式,這不僅符合現階段產業發展趨勢,也與政府現階段產業政策相符合。雖然設計公司在台灣如雨後春筍般成立,但真正成功的設計公司卻不多,為什麼會有如此現象呢? 個案公司A公司由於原母公司投資錯誤,導致被購併;新母公司看好GPU的市場及未來發展性,所以成立A公司。挾著母公司充沛的資金支援、原本已具基礎的GPU設計技術,加上購併國外已具開發經驗的團隊,整合以上幾項資源,照理來說,發展應該是無可限量。但是,在經歷過3年的發展,歷經創始期的努力,到最後不得不放棄發展GPU,轉型成消費型產品的設計開發。這項耗費30億元台幣的投資,最後終告失敗收場。 當然,個案公司會失敗,原因非常多,本研究就是利用各種理論基礎,如五力分析、SWOT分析、平衡計分卡分析、策略分析等等,來探討個案公司失敗的原因,及給予個案公司如果再度重來可以進行的方向及策略。本研究之研究目的如下: (一)、探討A公司成立與發展之經過,及該公司在面對各種不同來自內部及外部的困難與挑戰,所因應之產品及組織策略。 (二)、透過理論及文獻探討,以組織生命週期理論中的過程,及各種組織理論、新事業發展成長步驟,並以五力分析、SWOT分析及平衡計分卡之架構為基礎,分析個案公司產品及組織策略失敗之原因。 (三)、透過本研究,了解一家新創公司產品發展策略與組織能力之關係,可提供國內相關企業在面對類似市場環境時,可做經營策略擬訂之參考。 本研究以個案分析方式,探討新創公司在各階段所實施的組織及產品策略。除了傳統的文獻收集方式(相關研究機構的產業研究報告、雜誌或書刊、期刊、新聞剪輯、參考文獻等),最重要的是針對個案公司高階主管之實際訪談,從訪談中了解該公司各階段實際上之策略運用,可避免此研究加註筆者過多個人之主觀判斷而失去本研究之意義。 國內許多新創公司在進行創業時,習慣以經驗法則進行創業評估,然而身處環境快速變遷之時代,新創企業在進行投資評估時,需借助現代專業知識及組織管理經營理念,同時需要有市場分析及經營之能力,來進行策略擬定,訂定適合之經營策略。其最重要者,在投入大量人力物力財力之前,必須與以詳細評估。 本研究所提及之各項理論與診斷手法,與實際上進行個案公司診斷之方法相呼應,在日後新創事業進行產品及方向規劃時,皆可循此一模式進行,相信可減少新創事業發產過程所遭遇不必要的風險。研究結果如下: (一)、新創公司必須在創業前確實做好詳細之技術及市場分析,同時必須將本身之優勢運用在產品及市場定位上,而不是光從本身經驗判斷,或依據現行市場狀況而未針對本身技術加以衡量,貿然訂定策略。 (二)、新創公司想要成功,不僅僅憑藉的是資金與技術,而且要能具體評估本身之技術是否能跟上現今市場競爭廠商之技術;同時對於現今市場競爭對手做通盤之了解,才不會有高估自己錯判情勢的狀況發生。 (三)、新創公司對於本身公司內部之組織與管理必須要能夠充分運用與掌握,才能具體發揮人員之能力。不能善用人力的公司,不僅僅是人力成本上之浪費,更是企業是否成功之重要因素。 (四)、新創公司必須要具備有成本管控的能力,每一分錢都花在刀口上。 本研究利用個案研究之方式,輔以各種文獻手法,針對個案公司進行診斷,雖然是對個案公司診斷,但是以上之研究結果對於新創公司之成立與發展,是有絕對的幫助。


In Taiwan, high-Tech industry category had transferred from the former traditional manufacturing into design and research step by step. It was called design house mode. The mode not only conforms to the trend of industrial development in this stage, but also matches the current government''s industrial policy. Although the design house in Taiwan have sprung up in vast numbers, but the real success of the design company does not have much. Why is there such a phenomenon? Case company (A company) was merged due to the original parent company’s wrong investment strategy. The new parent company analyzed the GPU that it will have large market and potential development, so the A company was set up. In the primary stage, A company had plentiful fund、GPU based design technology, and have experience with the development team over several integration resources, it would be reasonable that the company’s development is boundless. However, having gone through three years of development, through the efforts of the founding period, had to abandon the development of GPU and then transformed into a consumer-oriented product design and development. The NT dollar spent 3 billion yuan of investment, ultimately ended in failure. Of course, we realize there are many reasons result in fail when we study the case, the thesis uses various theory to analyze the unsuccessful reason of the company, as five competitiveness analysis, SWOT analysis, the Balanced Scorecard analysis, strategy analysis, and so on. And given the case if the company came out once again which can make use of the direction and strategy. The research objectives are as below: (1), To discuss A Company’s process on the establishment and development, and its product and organization strategy when the company is in the face of various internal and external difficulties and challenges. (2), Through the study of the theory and literature, the thesis uses various organizations theory、development of the cause of the growth of new steps、five competitiveness analysis、SWOT analysis and balanced scorecard framework as the basis to analyze the unsuccessful reasons about the case company''s products and organization strategy. (3), Through the study, we can realize the relationship between the product development strategy and the organizational ability in a start-up company. We can provide related experiences to relevant domestic enterprises when they are in the face of similar market conditions what business strategies they can do. The research uses the case study method to explore the start-up company in various stages of implementation by the organization and product strategy. In addition to the traditional literature collection methods (related research institutions industry research reports, magazines or books, periodicals, news clippings, References), the most important method is actual to interview the high-ranking executive of the company, Through the way to understand the company''s strategy actually use at the various stages can avoid to add too much personal subjective judgment of author and to lose the significance of the research. Many internal start-up companies get used to a customary rule of thumb for investment evaluation. But living environment for the rapid changing era, a start-up companies for investment evaluation need to recourse to modern expertise and organizational management concepts, and the need for market analysis and business management ability to develop and set for operating strategy. The most important point is that we must be preceded with a detailed evaluation before we are in putting in a lot of manpower, material and financial resources. The thesis referred to the various theories and practices diagnosis, and the company actually case diagnosis methods echo each other. In the future, the start-up company can follow the mode to process when it plans the new product and the direction. I believe that can reduce the undue risk in the start-up company process. The results are as follows: (1), A start-up company must execute a detailed technological and market analysis before it was set up, and it must use own advantage in product and market positioning, not to set strategies hastily just from their own experience or based on the current market situation without addressing technical measure, (2), The start-up company wants to succeed, not only by virtue of the capital and technology, but it should be more specific techniques to assess whether it can keep up with today''s technology manufacturers competition; Meanwhile, we must do overall understanding about the current market''s competitors to avoid that we are to overestimate to ourselves, and misjudged the situation in the status. (3), The start-up company for their own internal organization and management must be able to fully utilize and grasp, personnel can bring ability into fully play specifically. Inefficient use of manpower, not just waste human cost, but also whether or not the important factor to success. (4), The start-up company must have cost control ability, each cent spends on where it is needed most. The research uses the method of case study, be supplemented by literature analysis methods to diagnose the case company. Although it is only a company’s diagnosis, the research results it is absolutely help for the start-up company form and develop.


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