  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 黃榮堯


近年來,全球暖化與能源浪費之議題已經受到矚目。由於,建築物之使用階段將消耗大量能源,亦造成大量二氧化碳之排放,因此如何減少能源消耗係為管控之關鍵。而隨著建築技術、設計與材料之改善,雙層牆體(Double wall)已是現今常見的建築構件之一。根據相關研究成果指出,妥善規劃雙層牆體,可有效減緩室內溫度變化之程度,達降低溫度及減少冷卻溫度所需之能耗。惟這些研究中仍有不少因素尚未詳加考量,諸如牆體材料、牆體間之空隙,或是設置方位等。有鑑於改善能源消耗之重要性,本研究目的在於探討牆體材料與牆體間之空隙之最佳組合,並分析設置於建築物各方位之影響,以研析降低能源消耗之可能。 本研究運用DesignBuilder軟體中的EnergyPlus模組,進行各項材料與牆體間空隙之模擬。根據模擬成果可發現,若在建築物四周皆設置雙層磚牆,而且保持100mm的空隙,每年將可節省高達31,90% 的能源消耗。模擬內容反應出,雙層牆體之運用需視建築物各側陽光影響變化,有所差異;材料的U值亦直接影響雙層牆體之效能;牆體間之空隙與降低能源消耗成反比成長,而超過100mm以上之空隙,其影響將趨於平緩。


In recent years, global warming and recklessness of the energy has significant attention to be avoided. Building is one of the biggest energy consumer and largest contributors to the increase of CO2. Double wall is one of the building element method which became popular to utilized in recent years. Several studies mentioned this method can be reduced the impact of fluctuative temperature. Although some of the studies have been done to prove that this method can be reduced the air temperature and cooling energy demand, the particular application of double wall with the regularity among materials, air gaps and other parameters such as buildings side orientation are no attention to date. Hence, it may raise the question, which double-wall combination can work as its optimum to reduce cooling energy demand. Based on these background issue, this study aim is to investigate the optimum combination of materials and air gaps of double wall in terms of reducing cooling energy consumption and also to investigate the impact of the buildings side orientation in double wall utilization. In order to determine these result, this study was simulated by using EnergyPlus in DesignBuilder software. The result obtained that double wall utilization with combination between double block and 100mm air gap in all of the building sides was given the significant impact into cooling energy consumption reduction up to 31,90% in a year. Double wall utilization is depending on the buildings side orientation because of the different amount of solar heat gain. U-value of the materials are also affected into the double wall performance. The cooling energy consumption reduction is inversely proportional by the increasing the air gap width. But, by increasing air gap of 100mm width or above is only help the percentage of reduction in smaller amount.


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