  • 學位論文


The study of package efficiency for white LEDs

指導教授 : 孫慶成


本論文中,我們將研究不同白光LED封裝型式其封裝效率之差異,利用已建構之YAG螢光粉模型在相同色溫下,分析六種封裝型式在封裝效率上的差異,並討論其封裝效率差異的原因,再探討改變基板反射率與晶片吸收等參數對封裝效率的變化。 接著以實際封裝驗證六種封裝之效率,首先量測得到基板反射率,接著實際進行六種封裝方式,最後分析比較六種封裝其實驗及模擬的差異。


螢光粉 封裝效率 白光LED


In this thesis, we study the package loss for six white LED package types. Based on the YAG phosphor model, we build up six white LED package types in our simulation. Under the same CCT, we calculate package loss between six different packages and analyze the effect of the different LED package types. We also discuss the influence of the package loss by changing the reflectivity of the substrate and the absorption coefficient of the die. In order to verify the simulation data, we try to do the experiments for investigation of the package loss of the six LED package types. First, We measure the reflectivity of substrate, then we do the six geometry of LEDs package. Finally, we compare with simulation and experimental data and analyze the difference between simulation and experiment.


phosphor white LED package efficiency


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