  • 學位論文


The impact of human resource management measures on work attitude – Case study of THSRC

指導教授 : 黃同圳 鄭晉昌


論文名稱:人力資源管理措施對工作態度之影響探討-以台灣高鐵為例 校院名稱:國立中央大學人力資源管理研究所 學位類別:碩士 研 究 生:林靜怡 指導教授:黃同圳 博士 鄭晉昌 博士 畢業年度:一百學年度第二學期 論文頁數:81頁 論文內容摘要: 在全球化競爭激烈的環境下,企業能夠擁有具專業知能的員工是企業核心競爭力的來源,因此,如何透過有效的人力資源管理措施,吸引並留住『最佳人才』為公司所用,是今日企業致勝的關鍵因素。 本研究旨在探討交通運輸服務業的台灣高鐵專業維修人員對公司之人力資源管理措施,即工作特性、績效管理、薪資報酬、訓練與職涯發展及領導風格的認知,進而探討人力資源管理措施對員工工作態度的影響性研究。研究對象為台灣高鐵維護鐵道安全的維修及行控人員,本研究採用一次完成之問卷調查以收集初級資料,針對個案公司維修及行控人員進行抽樣調查,本研究共計發出350 份問卷,有效問卷為301 份,回收率為86 %。 依相關文獻探討,本研究之自變項為人力資源管理措施,包含工作特性、績效管理、薪資報酬、訓練與職涯發展及領導風格;依變項為工作態度,包含工作滿意度及組織承諾;控制變項為員工屬性。資料分析方法採用信度分析、敘述性統計分析、相關分析以及迴歸分析來探討人力資源管理措施與工作態度間之相關影響。 本研究對研究假設加以證明,人力資源管理措施與工作態度具有相關性,而個案公司中更以工作特性、薪資報酬、訓練與職涯發展及轉換型領導者,與員工對工作的滿意度及組織的承諾呈現顯著正向影響;在工作滿意度方面,對員工影響的程度依序為對轉換型領導、工作特性、訓練與職涯發展及薪資報酬;在組織承諾方面,依序為工作特性、薪資報酬、轉換型領導及訓練與職涯發展。因此,本研究根據實證結果進一步探討個案公司之現況及連結實務上的管理意涵,提供個案公司未來要提昇員工工作滿意度及組織承諾的建議,是可優先從工作特性、薪資報酬、訓練與職涯發展構面,並以轉換型領導者擔任現場主管等著手,以達人力資源管理之成效。


Title: The impact of human resource management measures on work attitude – Case study of Taiwan HSR Institute: Graduate Institute of Human Resource Management, National Central University Academic degree: Master Postgraduate: Jing-Yi Lin Professor: TongZhen Huang, Ph. D.; Jin-Chang Zheng, Ph. D. Year of graduation: Second semester of academic year 2011 Number of pages: 81 pages Summary: Under an environment with intense competition in globalization, the source of an enterprise’s core competence is its employees with expert knowledge and skills. Therefore, how to attract and retain “best talents” using effective human resource management measures is the key factor to a successful enterprise today. The purpose of this study is to investigate the cognition of Taiwan HSR maintenance personnel toward the company’s human resource management measures, i.e. job characteristics, performance management, remuneration, training and career development, and leadership style. This study further discusses the impact of human resource management measures on the work attitude of employees. The study subjects are maintenance and operation control staff responsible for maintaining the safety of Taiwan HSR railways. A questionnaire survey was conducted to gather primary information by sampling the maintenance and operation control staff of the case. 350 questionnaires were distributed and 301 were valid, a response rate of 86%. Based on literature review, this study adopts human resource management measures as independent variables, which include job characteristics, performance management, remuneration, training and career development, and leadership style; the dependent variables are work attitudes, including job satisfaction and organizational commitment; the control variables are employee attributes. Data is analyzed with reliability analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis for investigation the relevant impact between human resource management measures and work attitude. This study hypothesized and proved that a correlation exists between human resource management measures and work attitude. In the case, job characteristics, remuneration, training and career development and transformation leader have significant positive effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In the aspect of job satisfaction, employees are influenced the most by transformational leadership, followed by job characteristics, training and career development and remuneration. As for organizational commitment, the most influential factor is job characteristics, followed by remuneration, transformational leadership and training and career development. Therefore, based on empirical results, this study further discusses the current status of the company and connects practical management implications to provide suggestions regarding increment of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, which can start from job characteristics, remuneration, and training and career development with a transformation leader as on-site manager, to achieve the effects of human resource management.


23.陳惠芳 洪嘉徽,「員工知覺薪酬公平與賦權對組織承諾影響之研究」,東吳經濟商學學報第五十二期, pp.235-262,2006。


呂貫維(2006)。組織變革知覺、生涯管理和員工信任 對組織公民行為影響之研究 ―以銀行業為例〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2006.00010
